I don't know what it is about my life that seems to attract so many Naysayers. "What in the world is a 'Naysayer' and furthermore why is Tracy breaking out the 19th century dictionary?" Is that what you're thinking?
The Nasayers are those who are constantly telling you "Oh things are great for you now BUT just wait until ....." Do you have any such cheerful and uplifting people in your life?
I seem to come across an inordinate amount of Naysayers. It began back when Lee and I started dating. We became very close very quickly and I know our cheese level was high. We were giddy in love and didn't care who knew! Several people would go out of their way to let us know that "Just wait, once you have been dating awhile ..." I can't really blame them even now, we were pretty annoying ;) Thus began my bizarre ability to attract friendly, outgoing Naysayers in my life.
Lots of couples get the Naysaying treatment while engaged so I know we're not alone in that. However, it seems that the Naysaying has continued throughout our marriage. We really are happy and in love still after almost 10 yrs of marriage *gasp*! Nevertheless, people can't resist the "Just wait...." or even the "Well you never know....."
Of course having children is a sure way to get some Naysaying. Having twins really gets them going and then adopting a 5th baby!, leaving a fun, popular non denominational mega-church for the creaky Catholic Church!, Homeschooling! man I might as well just carry along a folding chair so I can at least get comfortable when the Naysaying lecture begins. Oh and maybe some paper and pencils for notes too!
The good news is I have my smile and nod act down ...most of the time. Sometimes, I cannot help from breaking out into my full on genuine gush of overall love, happiness and satisfaction I feel in my life. I can and have rambled on and on about the peace and joy I realise abundantly everyday. But usually I try to reign it in a bit becasue I wouldn't want to make them feel bad, now would I?
Just you wait, it'll only get harder. The older they are, the harder it is. Ugh, once they hit puberty - you'll be stuck with three girls who have raging hormones.
All three of those comments were tossed out at me in the past week.
You know what I say about naysayers - um, well - it's not "typeable" here.
Hi, I'm new to your blog and thoroughly enjoying it!
I'd say, 'Good for you!!!' Life can be great and I'm so happy that it is for you and that you're willing to share that with others! I think the naysayers are just jealous of your happiness so figure if they can rain on your parade they've accomplished something but guess what...they haven't!
So happy that your family is doing well and your marriage is a wonderful one! It's such a wonderful change to read stuff like this in a world that is only too willing to share of the negative things in their lives.
Looking forward to following your blog.
LID 03/23/06
I have heard the same naysayers about me and Matt-- cause our goof level is really high... hence the treats for your kids all the time... just letting you know...
love, anne
I have been thinking about your naysayers post. I feel like we get that all the time too. I am not sure why. We are adopting our 5th child from China. Our 3rd adoption 2 of our children are from Kazakhstan. We have a really happy positive outlook on life although we have the same difficulties as everyone else. I think people are waiting for the ball to drop so to speak. I am not sure why they say those kind of things to you or us. It just stumps me. But I continue to count my blessings everyday and everyway. I think you do too. Good for you. I just love your blog.
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