Thursday, December 15, 2011


 It's time for another {PHFR} yay! I am really grateful for the Lawler ladies hosting this because if it wasn't for this and the Yarn Along, I might never be motivated to post.  And post I must because blogging is one of those things I appreciate most after the fact.

We have been battling strep and various viruses since Thanksgiving. It has been challenging to say the least. Last week was Sara's 3rd birthday and poor thing was sick! We were all horrified for her. I made these pretty pink pancakes and she didn't even eat any. *sad* We ended up having her special cake this week and she was feeling much better and ready to celebrate being 'free' (that's 3 for those of you who may not be versed in toddler speak)

 Sara's birthday is on St. Nicholas Day, December 6.  This year he brought personalized mugs and some m&m's. St. Nick loves m&m's I hear.

I also printed out some coloring sheets for the kids and they worked very, very hard on them.

MaryClare fell asleep mid-color she was working so hard. This kid is one amazing sleeper. I must do a post with all of the pictures I have of her sleeping in odd places at odd times.


My littlest one has cut her first two bottom teeth. There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth (by those of us who already have them) over this event, not to mention drool. I'm glad they've finally erupted, poor thing.


We went to a Santa brunch this year at my parents clubhouse and I was able to get a great shot of all the kids together-cue the Halleluia chorus! This will be in the Christmas card and I bet folks will get a kick out of counting heads and realizing that we added another one this year-hee hee!

Thanks for stopping by!
round button chicken


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Yarn Along: 4

I'm so excited to share my secret Christmas present! I am making three of these for my 3 sons. Aren't they hilarious? I am following a general pattern I found at this blog: Gumbo Soul.

Aren't I handsome with a beard?! I think the boys are going to love them and they're not too hard. I am using beanies we have that my Nana made for us a couple of years ago and I'm attaching the beard with buttons sewn inside the hat.

I am also finishing up Christy for my book club. I have enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would. It is a Christian book, but it is not all treacly or sappy like some Christian novels can be. I loved the Appalachian setting and the vivid descriptions of mountain life. At times, the character Christy is a bit annoying and unbelievable, but all in all most of the characters are well drawn and multi-dimensional.

Thanks for visiting my blog and a big thanks to Ginny for hosting

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fresh Beginnings

Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent. I have so been looking forward to this season! We have had just a really tough year here and I really feel this is a fresh start.

Interestingly, in the liturgical calendar, the Sunday just before Advent is Christ the King day where the readings and focus is on the kingship of our Lord and it is the last Sunday of the church year.

So Advent is the beginning of the new year, a fresh start! Also, CTK always falls near Thanksgiving and it just seems so appropriate to sort of end the year with reflection and thanksgiving, recognizing the gifts from my King, the one who has blessed me beyond measure. I feel so refreshed and full-hearted, ready for the preparation of Advent. I also love how the readings in Advent focus not only on the Incarnation, but on the Second Coming. So much to ponder.

We made a "Thankful Tree" again this year. I think we did it first year before last. Anyway we all write things we are thankful for and hang them up. They don't have to be just from the past year, just thankfulness in general.

It was nothing fancy, but I do really like the tradition. I have heard that some people then use these trees as Jesse trees, but I like to use a mini pre-lit Christmas tree. More Christmas lights make me happy!