Monday, July 31, 2006

The Cake Monster

Thank you for all of the nice comments about the wedding pictures. Truly, it was a minor miracle to get that picture of all 7 of us. My cousin Claire is amazingly talented and if you are in or near Nashville and are looking for a cool photographer, let me know and I'll hook you up.

The night after the wedding, my mom had a party for out of town family and she let us piggy back a birthday party for Mary Clare. I didn't even have to worry about cake bc there was plenty of leftover wedding cake! She even had my Grandad's old high chair to make it even more special.

Mary Clare surprised and amazed the crowd by really attacking her cake. I was so proud of my cake monster!

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Michelle said...

I see your older ones have taught her the important cake eating lessons already. I love that she's covered in it - too cute! You are looking great too, and once again, much too young to be a mom of 5.

Minnesota Momma said...

Oh MY! Are those pictures of MC just the greatest? She is super adorable and those are absolutely precious pics! I love the one of MC with her sister!

Anothermadhousewife said...

Awesome. :)

Georgia said...

Mmmm...naked cake eating. Only when you're a baby is that appropriate!!

Cay G. said...

What an adorable cake monster. :)

vintagechica said...

What wonderful photos of your happy girl!!! So glad to see your blog and get an update on the fam. The wedding photo of the 5 of you is awe inspiring!!!!
