I know Sunday is supposed to be the first day of the week for some reason. It just has never seemed that way to me. I love Sundays because they are a blessed day of rest after a full and busy week and a needed reminder from my Father not only to honor and worship Him, but to rest in His peace with my family and friends. All of that seems to happen as a finale to my weekly life, not a prologue really. I'm not sure if that's theological sound or not but oh well. :)
As Sunday evening rolls around I find myself thinking the upcoming week. What is it going to be like for us? Travel for Lee, practices, dinners with family, doctors appointments etc...? I also find myself remembering the past week, what worked and what didn't. Too often focusing on the 'didn't' and not enough on the 'did', truth be told.
Maybe if I write down a sort of weekly wrap up I can spot trends and also learn to savor and focus more on the small, precious moments that add up to the big panorama of our family life...
Here goes!
Last week.......
We: visited with my Dad and step-mom Carrie who were in town to babysit my nephew, W. They came over Sunday morning and again on Tuesday. W is reminding me so much of Jake. He has gorgeous blond hair and blue eyes. He is 18 mo. and boy is he pushing the limits! Carrie was a bit frazzled and said, "I don't know how you do it-and make it look so easy!" I did let her in on my secret that having more kids is actually
easier sometimes! Helpers and playmates abound and not to mention just plain old experience.
I: spent a disgusting amount of time on the phone working on insurance stuff for Jake's dental care. The folks on the phone were generally nice, but it was so time consuming and the lack of communication between various departments leads to so much wastefulness!
Nina: has moved from just sucking on her fingers and hands, she can now grasp a rattle and she brings it to her mouth to chew and lick! She also is getting very vocal, cooing and laughing
deep belly chortle.
Sara: more coloring on unapproved items. Carpet on the stairs, our bedspread. *sigh* I have to remember to take some snaps of all of the things she has 'decorated' around the house and have a special post dedicated to that. She is so full of life and so engaging to everyone. Such an active girly girl. She loves to ride her tricycle and chase down her brothers with their nerf swords!
We: went to the park playground twice this week. Unprecedented! The weather was just so nice...the boys tried out the skate park and it was very cool. Ryan is just a natural at the ripstik of course, but Jake is getting it too. He'd like his own board though...
The kids: did well with school despite lots of interruptions. Luke is a dream student, but everyone made at at least some progress. I've got to tweak some curriculum stuff though-not looking forward to that after a year of sticking to one thing, but I've come to believe it is necessary. We aren't dropping anything, I just might need to supplement.