Thursday, August 11, 2011


round button chicken


This was on MaryClare's birthday. I was trying to get a picture of just her but she really wanted to be holding her newest sister. MC is a girl who is pretty inside and out.

This was right after she was baptized. We were all happy and smiley!

The kind of pictures that show up on my camera phone after it's been missing awhile....
{funny pt2}**
I am not at all surprised to find an onion under my dining room table in the middle of an afternoon. After all, I have a two yr. old.

The girls and I tried to make sock bun curls. To figure out the sock part I must direct you to google, it is kind of difficult to explain. The basic premise is this: roll your hair into a high bun and sleep on it. In the morning unroll and wake with gorgeous curls. (a la Sara who already has been blessed with pretty curls) Our experiment had lackluster results, but I would not rule out user error. We decided we'll try again sometime. We had mucho fun trying it out. So novel to have socks! in our hair!

*so I know it's pretty, happy, fun, real-not funNY, but I am just a rebel and like to do it this way. (((((I just re-read and it IS funny, not fun! Well not much of a rebel I guess,lol!)))))

**yes, i know about back 2 sleep etc...she is in a cradle for a daytime nap right near me...

1 comment:

Andrea said...

My goodness, isn't having girls SO FUN!? Love it!

The photos from your phone cracked me up too - those are always interesting!