Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nina's Baptism

We had a very busy weekend and I'm still recovering! Some good friends and family came and celebrated Nina's baptism. I thought this was the first baby that Lee held during the actual baptism, but then I remembered the twins. I bet he held one of them, I'll have to look back through the photos...

From nina's baptism
She slept and woke up a bit after the water and began smiling at all of us!

From nina's baptism

From nina's baptism

From nina's baptism
Our wonderful priest asked Ryan if he'd like to serve in attendance and he was thrilled. He was totally focused and solemn during the service, handing Father items and holding the book for readings.

From nina's baptism
The two grandmas were all cooing over Nina. Back at our house we had a small cook-out and party to celebrate. My good friend helped us decorate these sweet cupcakes.

From nina's baptism

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