Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Next? Yay! Crap.

So I think she will be in the next set of matches. I predict it will be here by the end of February. I really believe this.

I have great intuition, you know a 'gut' feeling. That feeling is eerily like nausea. As much as I have been talking big about how the delay sucks and how much I wish our referral was here already, part of me was actually relieved that our match is not in this weeks group.

I have not done anything to prepare in any way at all for this. By prepare I mean material stuff, baby gear etc. I have not made care packeage or firm childcare plans for my kids while we are in China. I have not even begun to think about packing for travelling to China for 2 weeks and including baby stuff. I have been actively trying not to think about the actual flights.

Oh and now that I am so sure that we will be matched in like 4 weeks? C'mon, I am still not going to do a damn thing.

Ok, maybe I will get a care package together. I will probably be eating more chocolate too.


M3 said...

Do it! Do absolutely nothing. I double dog dare ya. I bet it'll work too. It's just the type of thing that would get the bureaucrats moving at double speed!!!

Doug said...

Chocolate is always good!

Here's hoping that your referral comes as expected.

Tracee said...

Too funny! You have the perfect approach to referral...which is the way I'll be the 2nd time around...I'm sure of that. I'm too busy to obsess like I did the first time...sending fuzzy thoughts your way for a quick referral!!

Sarah said...

I am sure your match will come just at the right time! That is so exciting to think it's coming so soon! Hooray!!!

Aimee said...

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch.....get workin'. I can't tell you how many trips to the store it has taken me to get ready and I still don't have everything. And the most stressful thing is finding someone to watch after your dumplings while you are gone!! Go ahead and buy chocolate....the good stuff, for your "gifts" while in China...and hey pick yourself up some too.

Tracy C. said...

Aimee, I know you are right! I am going to do the little things like the care package, the gifts etc.