Saturday, January 21, 2006

Apparently, I am "IT"!

Cindy tagged me so here it goes! I have to admit I am a bit giddy! This is my first time being 'tagged'. Yes, I am a dork. (Stephanie tagged me too technically but she tagged all of her readers!)

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was in college having a grand old time with my super sweet boyfriend, the love of my life, Lee. This was right about the time he began to panic becasue he was graduating in the spring so he started to buckle down and get his grades up. I was all whiny becasue he was trading partying for studying! He ended up with a great job, it was the dot com boom and they were giving computer kids right out of college these unbelieveable jobs.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
We were starting the paperchase, I think we were doing the physicals

Name 5 Snacks you enjoy
Chocolate anythings
chips and salsa
pita bread and humuus
baked brie and crackers

Name 5 things you would do with a million dollars
pay off our house
donate to our church
set aside money for school
get a new cars
remodel our kitchen

5 bad habits
underestimating how long it will take to go somewhere
not putting my keys back on the rack
biting my nails
spaeking before I think somehting through

5 things I like doing

5 things I would never wear, buy, or get new again...
mini skirt
car (we only buy used)
halter top

5 favorite toys or games
charades (I know, but I love it!)
Fisher Price Little People

I was tagged by Cindy. Now, I tag.........
1. Sarah
2. Erica

All right're it!!


M3 said...

Excellent choice with the chips and salsa. ;-)

Erika said...

I think I've actually done this quiz before. I'll find it and post a linkie to it. :)

Did you figure out the stinky fridge mystery?