Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Back in town

We left town early Sunday after church to travel to Memphis. My grandmother passed away at the age of 89 early Saturday morning.

We were able to take all of the children and I know it was a blessing to my Grandaddy that they were there. The kids were so well behaved at the funeral and the whole time we were there actually. They were so loving and respectful, yet also sweetly childlike and full of joy and life as only the little innocents can be.

Monday night after the funeral we had some deep discussions with the kids just answering questions about death, funerals, bodies and souls. I was explaining how the body we saw belonged to Grandma Betty, but that she was no longer in it. We respect and care for her body even though she, the real Grandma Betty, is no longer a part of it. Jake said, "Oh, it's like your body is a shell and your soul grows and grows and then you bust out."


Jenn Miller said...

Praying for your grandmother's soul. Glad to hear everyone is back safe and sound.

Anothermadhousewife said...

Sorry to hear about Grandma Betty. But I'm glad the trip was a sweet time for your family. Hugs, E :)

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We will keep your family in our prayers. I loved read Jake's comment, how special!

Marjorie said...

Jake sounds like a very wise soul. I love the idea that our soul grows - hopefully in holiness. Blessings during this sad time.

Sonia said...

I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandma Betty. My Grandma "Betty" passed away before she could meet Kailee. My condolensenses to you and your precious family.