Monday, February 12, 2007


Lee and I have been talking about getting a piano. We both would love for our children to have a good grasp of music theory and music appreciation as well. I have been working on the recorder with Jake and had some success, but truly I have had a hard time disciplining myself to fit it in our schedule. We have a piano teacher in the neighborhood so they could walk to lessons....ahhh, if only we had a piano we sighed!

This weekend I was dropping some stuff off at Goodwill and then I was browsing around. Suddenly, I heard the unmistakable sounds of children goofing around and banging on a piano. It sounded as if it was coming from the back corner. I hightailed it across the store and there it was, a beautiful old piano. It sounded pretty good too! Cautiously hopeful, I stretched up and leaned over to check the price tag. Wouldn't you know it was quite *quite* reasonable! I called Lee and got the go ahead.

So, we are the proud new owners of this Grinnell Bros. upright piano. It will need a good cleaning and tuning and it is missing a panel at the bottom, but it has already brought joy to our home. The kids love plunking out tunes and Jake has mastered "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat". Yesterday my sister came by and we partied to "Heart and Soul"

As I was cleaning the counters before Mass yesterday, I listened to all of the joyful noise in our home. Someone was doodling around on the piano, someone was playing with Sparky in the den, a couple kids were up in the bathroom giggling and brushing teeth and Lee was in the shower talking and singing to Mary Clare. In that moment the noise really was joyful to me and not overwhelming. It is not always the case of course, but it was a moment to remember and cherish and pull out of the corner of my mind when I am, *ahem* less than enchanted with the clanging and clamoring around here.


Pixel Fairy Princess said...

How wonderful! Piano is a major component of our homeschool program and probably one of Ian's favorite subjects! I hope that everyone enjoys it!

Anothermadhousewife said...

That is a good-lookin' piano. . .especially for Goodwill!