Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Billboard discussion

I think this is so clever! I sort of wish all religious dialogue could be so concise and informative and also respectful.

Lenten Fare from Kansas City Catholic

HT: Amy Welborn


Anothermadhousewife said...

I'll go check it out when I get a minute. I think we need to set up a polishing station over here too. ;) I have an old tea set. I should get it out. I bet the girls would enjoy using it.

Anothermadhousewife said...

IRYQ about my Uncle George: There is no doubt that God has used Sue's illness in George's life. He had been asking lots of good, thoughtful questions over the last couple of years, so God has been at work for some time. I can't imagine how devastating all of this is for him; Sue is really his best friend. My parents have given him lots of books over the years. Most recently Mom gave him the book and C.D. of Anne Grahm Lotts's book "Just Give me Jesus."

Rachel said...


I can't find your email on here, but I have a question for you (this is Rachel from Testosterhome...). Will you send me an email with your address? Thanks!