The morning began as any other, we dressed Jake and Ryan and took them to school. Luke and Laine hung around the house doing the normal three year old stuff. Meanwhile Lee and I paced and puttered around waiting for The Call.
I checked various message boards, trying to gauge when people in other parts of the country were getting their Calls. I jumped every time the phone rang and my heart raced as I glanced at the caller id.
Finally, around 3 pm, the phone rang and this time it really was The Call. It was our adoption agency with some Very Big Information.
The Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs had sent them information and pictures of our new daughter. Lee turned on the video camera and we put the phone on speaker mode so we could both listen and ask questions. I am so glad we have that video because all I really remember is crying and laughing!
Her name was Lian, Xin Bi. She was born on July 17th, 2005 and she was waiting for us in Lianjiang, Guangdong Province, PRC. There was minimal information about her personality and abilities and later after talking to some other parents we realized how generic this information was. At the time, every little detail seemed like a precious jewel. She likes the sunshine! She likes music! She is a good sleeper! Very independent!
And then we held our breath as her picture was emailed to us. Oh the joy of modern technology! Our eyes were glued to the monitor as her sweet face materialized before our eyes.

Finally, We could connect a face to this precious soul we had been praying for so long. She was breathtaking.
After staring at her picture for what seemed like hours we went into hyper speed calling and emailing to share our joy. We thought we would have to wait until May to meet her in person, but God had other plans and little did we know we would be leaving for China in 4 weeks!
She is beautiful and the post is extremely moving -- thanks so much for sharing....
What a beautiful little face!
The story, too, is just lovely. Isn't God good?
Of course He is.
I got all choked up reading this because I remember that 'phone call' only too well. Ours was a domestic adoption...but still...same overwhelming feelings.
That is beautiful. I can't believe that we were going through the same thing - on the same day - and we were just miles from each other! I had to aks myself if it had really been a year? Wow, it has! I think I stared at that face forever - just like you! What a blesseing these two are to our families! I really hope that we can meet before I move :-)
It seems just like yesterday in some ways, and like ages ago in others. What a special day!
I love this post... gave me goose bumps, and though that day for me is a loooooonnnng way off, just reading this reminds me how worth the wait it will be!
This makes me think of the next step: the video I got to watch of when they put her in your arms. . .which made me cry. :)
I know she's been such a blessing.
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