The second step was finding these tea light holders at IKEA. They each hold 7 tealights. I had read in Mary Reed Newland's "The Year and our Children" a description of something her family did that really appealed to me and I was wondering how to do it in our family. Her idea was to have a candelabra with 14 candles and to light them all and then to put out a light after each station. I thought this would be very meaningful for us, especially after using the Advent log to light candles counting up to Christ's birth. I love the symbolism of Christ's light coming to us at Christmas, getting brighter and brighter and the symbolism of the lights going out as we go through Lent and remember the Passion.

The kids are taking turns being the 'snuffer' and each night the 'snuffer' has the privilege of putting out the candle after we pray each station. As far as what we pray, we are using this great Children's Stations book that is simple, yet complete.

Looks like MC really loves the candle idea too!
Tracy - this version of the Stations of the Cross is absolutely beautiful. What a keepsake this will be to use from year to year. Great idea!
Ok,I'm not Christian but love this idea! I am always looking for ways to translate things into a family practice and think I will suggest this to some good friends. Can't wait to hear what other clever ideas you come up with my!
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