Jake on a bucket filling mission. This picture is very similar to another shot I have of him at our last beach trip.

Laine on the front porch.

Releasing our hermit crab pals.

Kissing a chubbalicious cheek!

Another shot for the "Tantrums Abroad" series we are working on for MC.

Long arm self portrait

The boys are working on the ramparts of 'Castle Seagull'. MC is construction manager.

Just our friendly neighborhood 6 ft. alligator "Al" swimming over to eye our delicious array of plump limbs and tasty toddlers. (!!!!)

Uncle Lee

Thanks for looking dahlings!

What awesome shots you got!! But what are you doing letting Laine grow up so fast???? She looks like a little girl, toddler no more! :(
Oh my goodness Tracy that last shot is adorable and I LOVE the caption! Too cute!
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