Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Say What?


Anothermadhousewife said...


And ooh ooh, I have an event that I need to tell you about. I'll have to email you the flyer for exact details. But I think it's Feb 10th, we have a speaker coming to speak to our homeschool group (and as many other moms as we can scrounge up). She actually created a website on Charlotte Mason. I've been ambivalent about if I want to pay the $26, since I'm [probably] sending the big guys to school next year. But if you could get away and up to Athens, I would love to go with you. . .And regardless, I'll still be homeschooling Julia. I'll email you the info. Let me know!

Donna said...

Such a cutie in her 'shades'!


Our blog: Double Happiness!

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

That is so cute! Amazing how she has grown :-)

Ruth said...

She is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

She is SO cute!

Tracy, you are going to think I am crazy but are you able to email your address to me again? I have been wanting to send you the Oregon Trail game but can't find where I put your address. Forgive me.