1. We are crazy. We are seriously investigating getting a dog. The kids are beginning to turn up the heat in asking for a pet. Laine is leading the crusade. She is now carrying around a little yellow bag that she keeps money in and she puts any change she finds into her 'purse' and she tells everyone it's her puppy money. Aunt Anne listened to Laine explain her money bag and kindly donated a few bucks. Because of Jake's allergies we are looking at poodle mixes. The favorite is a cockapoo, but we are open to advice and suggestions. I have a feeling that whatever dog we get will end up with a Narnian name. (see no.3) The dog in the picture above is a cockapoo.
2. A really wonderful thing happend pertaining to Lee's job, but it's not what you might expect. I am thinking of how to blog about it.
3. We finished up "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" this morning. We all loved another wonderul Narnian adventure. The kids got pretty bummed that Edmund and Lucy will not be returning to Narnia. They felt the same way at the end of "Prince Caspian" about Susan and Peter. It really puts a damper on the end of those otherwise fun tales. Ryan went to far as to say, "This is the worst story I ever heard!" But he didn't really mean it. At least we have two more books to read in the series. I know it will be hard to come to the end of them. We all love them so much. I feel sort of like Lucy reading the story in the magician's book in TVOTDT. At least I can re-read them over and over, unlike poor Lucy.
4. We went to the Silent March for Life stuff down at the capital yesterday. First there was mass with the Archbishop, who is awesome, and then lunch and then we went outside in front of the capital and there were politicians speaking, musicians etc...we missed most of that because we were chatting with friends and checking out the nice police horses. We had to leave before the March began, but next year we are hoping to participate. This was our first time attending any pro-life event and I was really happy to see how peaceful and positive the whole environment was.
5. Jake and Ryan are practicing for their homeschool group Spelling Bee. Jake is very good, Ryan, well, he takes more after me in his spelling abilities. I think he is actually better at it than I ever was/am though. Maybe they will end up in D.C. one year for the National Spelling Bee. Aren't the homeschool kids always winning those?
Is there something in the air - the dog crusade is in full swing at our house too! We actually have been looking at which dogs would do well indoors and are short haired - UGH! The last thing we need is a dog!
Ian is getting ready for a geo-bee. He hates spelling :-) I think homeschool kids rule there too :-)
Ooh! a Narnian name. That sounds like a good reason to GET a dog! Have you all made a list of possible names? Re the Silent March. I have never gone before either. One of my best friends at our parish (also a hser) is the head of our ProLife ministry and she goes every year and organizes 2 bus loads. I really should participate next year; I just HATE crowds and cold. How bad am I! Kudos for going, Tracy!
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