Ryan turned 7 not too long ago (10-27). He loves math, sports and playing with his brothers and sisters. When the twins turned 4 and the Mary Clare turned 1, I posted something special for them and I want to keep up the tradition.
Ryan is just 14 mo. younger than big brother,

He loves cuddling and stuffed animals still too. He has a strong sense of justice and a temper to match.
Currently, he is missing his upper two front teeth as well as his lower two front teeth. The upper ones were actually knocked loose about two years ago. The lower two are coming in now and the upper ones should be too far behind. The dentist noted in his x-rays he has a 'very young bone age'. Strange, no? Teeth or no teeth he is one charming kid.
He is a chatterbox and is always making noise. He is busy and active and loud, sometimes he can be like a bull in a china shop. Other times he melts me with his sweet tenderness to his siblings. He still like to climb into my lap, but he barely fits anymore.
His enthusiasm is contagious once it is kindled. It is a beautiful thing to see his wonder and awe for nature. The nature studies we began and particularly the bird unit have really caught his interest. He likes to draw and yesterday finished his own book, "My Favorite Birds" with detailed illustrations.
Ryan is also silly and has a laugh that infects everyone around him. I apologise to all the other moms out there , but he is the kid that gets everyone around him all wound up and rowdy. Good at times, but we are working on appropriateness ;)
Ryan is a child that really challenges me. Parenting him is a gift. He has helped me to know myself better and I have grown in patience and in my ability to experience joy in simple, everyday ways. He helps me to see the absurd and to get physical. He attacks life! I have learned to relate in things that matter to him and he has helped me see the world from a new perspective. That's my Ry guy.
Those pictures of him are awesome. What a cutie. I REALLY need to write something like this about Caleb. His birthday was last week in the midst of the craziness.
Awwwww...so special! What an amazing little boy! I love those pics of him, Tracy.
I recently wrote something about Ian like this. Ryan sounds a lot like Ian. He is constantly writing his own book and stories, and now has a passion for turning them into movies! Ian is a homeschooler too and recently (this week) picked up on his own blog for sharing his writing and movies.
The comment you made about parenting him is a challenge really touched me because I know exactly what you mean. Thanks for sharing - your kind words will help me today as we have a lot of work to accomplish and with Ian personality and mine - days like today sometime make me think I'll just send him back to school. I know that I won't - but a little encouragement goes a long way!
Ryan seems like an awesome kid and you are so blessed to have him!
Sorry for such a long post, but it touched my heart :-)
Thanks Debbie! It's funny that he just started a blog, my boys did the same thing yesterday!
What a cutie! And I love your description of him---very affirming...and honest. May God bless your special little boy.
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