Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Bestest Friend!

My dear friend , Becky, and her family are coming to stay with us for two nights. She has been my friend since we moved down the street from her family when I was 11. The first time she saw me walking down the street, she though I was a boy! I had a very short 80's haircut, plus I was like a foot taller than she was.

Well, I didn't grow much more and she had a growth spurt so now we are about even. I am still a bit taller though and I can't say that about too many people. In middle school we were close friends, but like many girls that age, we had our share of fights and days of 'you are not my friend anymore'. Ironically, after my parents divorced and my family moved to Atlanta, our friendship not only held but grew stronger. We have not lived in the same city since then and we are as tight as sisters.

Our kids are close in age and our husbands get along too, so we lucked out. We often joke that after they die we will move in together and take care of each other and rock on the front porch
swing bragging together about our many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren!

We have weathered much together, but the toughest was undoubtedly my reversion to the Catholic faith, leaving a big non-denomination church very similar to hers in her city. She is pretty religious, but not of the Catholic flavor and we had some interesting, emotionally charged talks.

Her youngest son is less than a week older than Mary Clare. She was pregnant with him when we began the process to adopt and she was one of my biggest sources of support and sanity during the whole waiting process. When I told her of our plan to adopt, she confided that although she was pregnant she and her husband were already discussing the possibility of adopting from China in the future. Amazing!

Also, they are HS for the first time this year too and we are planning some fall crafts with the kids tomorrow. I can't wait to see her and Matt and the kids . I know we will stay up into the wee hours, talking and laughing and probably crying too.



Minnesota Momma said...

It sounds like a wonderful couple days that you have planned, Tracy. I savor that time with my best friends. How neat that your entire families get along and have a lot in common.

One of my very good friends came to stay with the girls and I overnight this past weekend, where we lounged in our jammies, watched movies, ate popcorn and junk and played games with L & S.

It was good for my soul! Enjoy!

Anothermadhousewife said...

Enjoy that sweet fellowship. :)

I always think of precious time like that with loved ones as a teeny-tiny taste of heaven right now. . . you know, the "now and the not yet."

Alice Gunther said...

I hope your visit was fantastic! What a wonderful, treasured friend!