Wednesday, March 8, 2006

So sick

I never get sick. Really I just have a great immune system. I come in contact with millions of germs and rarely, rarely get sick. Not even colds.

Now I am at death's door with some virus from Luke I guess. I have a fever* and rotten chest cough. I do think that this suffering will give me more compassion for the kids when they are sick. Right now I want to cry and whine and lay on the couch and be served too. Not gona happen though. Lee is out of town until Friday of course.

*I haven't had a fever in years and it is so awful!


M3 said...

Oh no, it sounds awful!!!!
Hope you're on the mend real soon!

Stephanie V said...

It's adoption Ebola, it's going around. Take care of yourself, drink hot peppermint tea and get some rest. Feel better soon

Trixie said...

I like to think I have a strong immune system but kids slay me every time! If it's not the adoption Ebola than it's the toddler crud.

When I go down, it's like the Titanic. Massive. Historic. and Disasterous. So I feel the pain. I hear the whining and wheezing. Chills? Heat waves? Snuffles? Snore nose? Body ache? Tired to the Bone? Just wanna cry and be left for dead?

Feel it. Here's a virtual pack of plush, lotioned tissues and a good night's rest and a stiff hot drink with alcohol. AND a big sanitary virtual HUG. No bugs here.


Beth and Shayna said...

Feel better soon sweetie. Make sure you get some chicken soup and tea in your body.