Here is the package sent to Mary Clare. The ziploc contains toddler socks as a small orphanage donation. I also sent 2 cameras, the photo album, M&Ms for the nannies, 2 small toys and the pink bear who's body is actually a small blanket (a bit freaky, but very soft and cuddly)and another small blanket. Can you believe I fit so much into that plastic shoebox?
Aaaaaah! She's precious Tracy. Sorry to be so late, saying CONGRATULATIONS. How exciting.
How do I scroll back and read the other stuff I missed?
O.K. nevermind. I figured out the "archives" -- computer wiz that I am. ;)
Love your photostream pics, by the way. Talk to you soon, E :)
Tracy...she's going to love it all! And Im sure the nannies will to. Thanks for sharing your journey along the way with us!
Where did you get the cute fabric photo album?
Did it close? Seriously I can't believe it all fit. Why is everyone sending clear plastic shoeboxes? I know that it should be shoebox size but why clear plastic?
Hmm, I just picked this one bc it was sturdy and I thought maybe the orphanage could use it. It did close, I had to stuff and arrange but by golly I closed it! I got the photo album at Costco last fall. I do love it. Also, I found a file on my DTC board of Chinese characters for names like, mommy, daddy, brother etc, so I cut them out and stuck them in. Hopefully, her nanny will look at the album with her and talk to her about us. That is what I imagine anyway.
I love your photo album, where did you get it? Mine's the usual Sassy one and it doesn't have a place for a photo on the front!!
Great care package! I'm not surprised that you were thinking of the nannies as well as Mary Clare. Kiera has the bear blanket and all 3 of my girls adore it! Actually, they fight over it these days - it's a big hit in my house.
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