Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Little Nutty

No posting for me lately. Honestly I am very on edge. Right after the last referrals were mailed I really was confident we would be next. Now I am getting anxious and worried. It is so unproductive and I hate feeling like this. I have absolutely no control over this and me worrying has zero effect on the outcome. I never thought of myself as a controller before this whole adoption thing and now I see how wrong I was. I just have never been in a situation where I have felt so helpless before. Well, I am sure I have I just can't think of one right now that has been this upsetting. I am about the most annoying person to be around right now. My head is in the clouds, my heart is aching and I just cannot focus on much of anything. Even this post is just grating. sorry. I am going to have a glass of wine and fix dinner. That might keep me from pulling my hair out.


Stephanie said...

Try not to get to upset. All the other parents who are in the process also are routing for you! Unfortunately, there are some things that you can't control. Try to enjoy the here and now, and know that your time will come soon!

-M said...

Hang in there! This is much harder than I ever thought it would be.
