Sunday, February 26, 2006


It is official! Our LID is included in this group of matches. I am excited of course, but I am feeling jittery. My stomach has almost non-stop butterflies. It is strange that something we have waited so long for will be coming to an end. The lyrics from some old song I remember from college keep coming to my my, so cheesy, but so fitting...."every new beginning comes from some other beginings end..."

It has been over a year since we started paperchasing for our daughter. In some ways (I mean many, many, and most ways)I feel like it has been so long. But oddly there is a part of me that looks back on the last year and thinks man that really flew by. And now we are having another baby?! No way! No freaking way!

The way our agency operates, they take a whole day for translations. So they will get the package tomorrow I think and then we will be called on Tuesday. (Fat Tuesdsay!) We are also scheduled to get our second round of vaccinations that morning. Not sure how I will work that out.

I am also incredibly sad for the families who were cut so close by these May dates and the ones in June. I know the slow torture they are going through, the wailing, hair pulling and gnashing of teeth and so on and so forth. There is simply no comfort I can add except my empathy and testimony that it will eventually end, in warm hugs and sloppy kisses that will be so totally worth this drawn out ordeal.


Stephanie V said...

Forget about us - YOU'RE GETTING YOUR BABY!! I'm so excited for you - a real life, honest to God Referral - FROM CHINA!


Tell me you're going to post her picture??

Lisa~~ said...

YIPPEE!! Very exciting, I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see the referral pics. You will be mobbed at Classic if you attend with all your info, everyone will want to have a look and share in your joy. Congrats!

Beth and Shayna said...

I am so happy for you and cannot wait for your post tomorrow.

Julie said...

Cannot wait for your news!!!!