Thursday, March 22, 2012


Whew the last two weeks have been busy. Once we made the decision to try and sell the house it was action time to pack and clean and paint etc...We pretty much have taken an extended Spring Break to get the house in order. The weather has been warm and lovely and the kids have helped me by staying out of the way and playing outside...

The girls have been playing dress up too. Sara loves dress up more than any other so far and I have just said WTH, wear whatever you want just let me finish this X,Y,Z...And you know I am glad to have had this opportunity to just let it go because I have realized you can only get away with the princess tu-tu and hello kitty rain boots football cheerleader look for a few years before people call in the men with the white coats.

I'm also trying to finish up this darn lovely afghan for my dad. I am so lucky to have a little helper. Nina loves the yarn balls! She is like a kitty and plays with them and yes, tries to eat it. The afghan will have a bit of Nina sweetness crocheted right in, literaly. Ahem.

We were able to get out Tuesday evening and walk down to the neighborhood playground. Some of my kids are just so coordinated and naturally athletic.

Luke can actually run down the balance beam and he's fast!  
I typically hat pushing kids on the swing. I don't know why, it's just one of those mommy duties I dislike. I'm always hoping to get them to be self-pumpers ASAP. I actually enjoyed it the other evening though. I think maybe because they were so into it. Lots of giggling and smiles!

 I love this action shot of my sweet snaggle tooth girl!
My two oldest boys are away this week at a farm camp. They are learning new skills and having fun. I was so surprised to see this on FB! That's my Jake on a tractor! It's a crazy sight for this suburban mom.

Meanwhile back in the suburbs... Today we've been working on our little Lenten family project. The Missionaries of the Poor are in town for some fundraiser concerts and we've been helping in small ways stuffing pamphlets and making display boards. Do you know of this wonderful group? We are so happy to help them and I encourage you to check out their website and learn about their ministries. Talk about real....

Thanks for stopping by!

round button chicken


Dwija {House Unseen} said...

I'm so glad you found my blog! Following yours too :)

Colette said...

Love the tutus and rain boots!! Sadly my girls are past that age-- I need more girls but just seem to keep having boys!! which I'm fine with, really, but I don't encourage tutu wearing with them:)

Mrs. Fordyce said...

The tutu and rubber boot look is lovely! I actually saw a lady on Rodeo Drive wearing rubber boots with her dress-maybe your daughter is at the very forefront of fashion!

Margo said...

farm camp? that's funny! My husband found something on facebook spoofing kids who dabble in farming and how gardening is the gateway drug. It was funny and I was reminded again how much children adore the natural world. (My city kids are always outside).

Rebecca Frech said...

I hate pushing kids on the swings too. When mine ask to go to the park, I inwardly groan (ugh....swings....)

Leila said...

There's only one cure for pushing kids on the swings. Take a friend whose kid also needs to be pushed, and stand there pushing and talking!! :)

Mama Bear, JD said...

I love that you let her wear what she wants! My only daughter lived in her dress up when she was three, though she would never touch the pretty princess dress I had made her - always the astronaut or dog suit. As long as her behind was covered, I let her wear it to the store, whatever..why not? I kind of miss it!