Our parish has an elementary (k-8) school. It is a nice school with small classes and good teachers. Last spring I met a neat woman on the soccer fields whose five kids attend and she is now the Spiritual Life coordinator for this year. A couple of weeks ago she shocked me by calling and asking me to come speak at an event they are having called Preparing Our Hearts and Our Homes for the Holidays. "C?" I said, "Um, you know I homeschool the kids right? Is that ok? I mean I'm not a parent there."
Yes, of course she knew, and she still wanted me. She said the Holy Spirit kept bringing my name to her when she was planning though and she was sure I would have something great to share. Listening to her, I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach. Oh no! I've been praying about this, about how I can serve in my parish. Oh dear, it looks like this is your answer, Lord. Wait, can I change my prayer real quick?
See, I am not a public speaker. I have no problem chatting and talking and often in small groups of friends I later wonder if I've talked too much! But in front of a large group? With a microphone?
Um, no. In fact, I'm getting butterflies just sitting here typing this!
But, I said yes.
Fast forward a few weeks and Boom! The thing is tomorrow night. I have written it all out and I will probably just be standing up there reading. I am going to do this. *sigh* I'm sure it will be fine. I do feel strongly that this is something I am supposed to do and that God will just make it work somehow, but I am still intimidated. I just want it to be over already and not looming in front of me.
So, if you have a moment and can spare me a quick prayer for my nerves I would so appreciate it!
I think it is ok to be a little nervous, because it will keep you sharp and this is important. However, you have prayed about this so remember to have faith in the abilities you have been given. It would not be asked of you if you weren't capable.
Take a deep breath and speak at a normal speed. Let us know how it goes!
Quick prayers are said!
Saying prayers{}
Let us know how you go.
I have every confidence that God will guide you as you speak your truth and share your wit and wisdom!! You are an articulate, intelligent, and wonderfully talented woman and those who are there to hear you will be given a very special gift!! Just be your awesome self and it will be smooth sailing! You are in my prayers for calm nerves!! Love you!
Well I just noticed that date has passed...how did it go?
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