Off to camp with Lainey this afternoon. We'll be spending the night and then all day tomorrow. I'm pretty sure we'll come home tomorrow night because it's supposed to rain. And it's going to be quite chilly.
CT5K is going fine still. I got over the dreaded week5day3 20 min. run and it was so much easier than I thought it would be. However, I would be remiss if I failed to give props to the only reason I've been able to get this far:

I can make a playlist of my own music and then use this app. It syncs with my playlist and then I get a little voice over prompt telling me when to run and when to walk. I would NEVER have made it this far without this.
We are taking the entire week off from school next week, the first break we've had since beginning and we are more than ready for a break. All of us. Fourteen weeks straight is brutal. The upside is we'll go back, have two more weeks, have sixteen weeks or half a year done, and then be off for five. I've had my issues with the constraints of the hybrid school, but keeping us on a steady pace has been one undeniably good thing............I think.
MaryClare's special photo book came in the mail this week. We sat down and looked through it together while I narrated the journey of our meeting and becoming a family. Just sharing this with her was incredibly moving. She asked several questions that I answered to the best of my ability. This kid is so sharp I tell you. She loves her book and at first I was tempted to tell her to keep her special book safe, nagging her to put it away nicely and take good care of it, but then I realised I want her to look at it as often as she likes and to feel like she can share it with whomever she pleases. I can always order another one. I want to encourage her to have a kind of familiarity with her story, so that over time it will be at once special and unique, but not strange or odd.
But, later that night I did ask her pick it up off the floor though. She said, "Oh yes, I don't want anyone to read my diarrhea."
Honey, 'I do not think that word means what you think it means'
Do you have someone in your life, who's known you a very long time, and who continues to treat you as if you are the exact same as you met? As if you've never aged or grown up or matured at all? I do. And let me tell you it is very frustrating. Thanks be to God, I am not the same person I was 2, 5 or 10 years ago.
I am not prepared for Advent at all yet this year. (neither in my heart nor in my home, despite my talk a couple of weeks ago) Advent is the time of preparing for Christmas, but what is the time preparing for Advent called? I fear it might be called Thanksgiving. *(wait a minute, you know, actually that kind of makes sense. Being thankfully minded does put us in the right frame of mind to anticipate the Good News of Christ's birth. Hmm.)
But I am not worried, not really. It will be as it will be. Preparing my soul is the first order and thankfully I do have this.
I really must go pack for camping now.
Great Quick Takes!
Thanks for stopping by benmakesten!
We both have a Mary Clare! How 'bout that?
Yup -- what's even more fun is when folks start to get that fuzzy memory, and then they don't just think of you as who you were, they think of you as who they incorrectly remember you were. . . .
Wow, 14 weeks of school! I had to look at my calander, and we too have done 14 weeks! No wonder we all need a break! We have two weeks and then 5 weeks off as well.
Sometimes my personal life season is not lined up with the church season, but this year Advent and I are a pair.
What a great idea to make that wonderful book for MC! Hilarous "diarrhea" comment, too. I just love the things that come out of children's mouths :-)
I wanted to thank you for leading me to Jen's blog. I really enjoy reading it. Even though I never went through a "conversion process", so to speak, I definitely feel like I mentally checked out of The Church for awhile and have really enjoyed coming back! Not sure if you saw this link on her site, but it's a good one for Advent and has lots of good ideas for explaining the season to children and stuff.
Hope your week is off to a great start! Miss you guys and love you tons!
~marfma ;-)
So sorry my account was logged in as my husband (Brendon)when I posted above.
i will say with regards to "not being the same person" that i totally understand! i am *so* not the person i was in h.s. or thereafter - thanks be to God!
So when i "see" old aquaintances/friends on facebook and they want to "get together" I slyly decline ;) I'm not good socializing with people whom i do not share the same views with or have something strong in common with. does that make sense? :S
which parish do you belong to?
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