It has been over one year now since we landed on U.S. soil and our precious daughter became an American citizen. We arrived home on April 15th 2006. It was the night before Easter.
The next morning, Easter, I woke up feeling pretty rested and full of energy.
When Jojo and Gampy arrived with all of the kids, MC met her brothers and sisters for the first time. It was simply incredible to see them all together on the couch cuddling and cooing at their baby sister. MC handled it very well. She was very solemn and patient and let them fuss all over her. She was curious about them too and her eyes darted from one face to the next. Laine finally was able to do the one thing she had been longing to do ever since she knew she was going to have a baby sister, feed her a bottle!

We headed to Mass where we had to stand in the back because we were late. I remember feeling so happy, as if I was floating on air. I didn't mind standing and holding Mary Clare one bit.
The rest of the afternoon is a blur I admit. I crashed after Mass and even though we went to a family egg hunt I don't remember too much!
I do remember a few nights later sitting in the den with the older boys and Mary Clare. Lee was tucking the twins into bed and Mary Clare was finishing her bottle. We were all squished into a big chair and after her bottle we kissed and played with her and she got the hiccups. It was the first time Jake and Ryan had heard her have the hiccups and they though it was hilarious. They giggled and then slowly Mary Clare smiled and the she hiccuped again and as the boys laughed again she giggled a little too! It was a hiccup-giggle spiral for several minutes.
Many people have asked me, both before Mary Clare was with us and even more recently, "How are the kids adjusting? What do they think about this?" They ask with curiosity and maybe a tiny bit of anxiousness for us. Sometimes it is difficult to adjust to a new family member. This is not the situation with our family however.
She is loved and cherished by all of us. She is also poked at, bugged, knocked down accidently and tickled to the extreme. She is read to and sung to and scolded at just as any other toddler.

Sometimes when I see her with her siblings, rolling around like puppies and chasing each other around the house and so forth, I sigh and shake my head. Sometimes I raise my voice and demand that everyone just Settle Down Immediately. Sometimes I grin and bite my tongue to keep it from calling out the former. Sometimes, some very wonderful and gracefilled times, I also remember the amazing blessing and gift of siblings.
I have one very dear sister and I am so grateful that she is mine! I hope to instill a sense of love and value between my children so that as adults they will honor the unique sibling status. Who else will know exactly what you mean when you recall Dad's goofy jokes and funky smells? Who else will remember the unique twinkle of mom's eye when she is in a teasing mood and the feel of her soft kiss on a boo boo?
Siblings can know you very intimately. The good, the bad and yes the ugly. And if your mom and dad have raised y'all up right they love you anyway! A healthy sibling relationship is an awesome testament and example of the love of Christian brotherhood that Christ desires for us.
Well this got to be much longer than I had intended when I sat down to reflect on our journey as a family. I like where it has taken me though. Thinking on my own happiness and joy at seeing my kiddos grow in love together has renewed my appreciation for sibling loveliness.
Love ya sis!
This is precious. Isn't adoption wonderful. Your babies are beautiful!
Lovely thoughts on siblings. It's so funny; as our guys get older, I often say how our house is total mayhem sometimes, but I KNOW they will look back and think it was a blast.
The first time I talked to my Aunt Sue, after she'd found out that I was pregnant with #5, she said, "You know, I have to confess, I was a little shocked when I found out you were having another baby. But my very next thought was how lucky your kids are to have all those siblings." That totally made my day. And she knows. She was one of 5. :)
Tracy, That was a beautiful post and just wat I need to read this morning. Thank you for sharing that.
How very joyful and lovely!!!
God bless all those precious darlings of yours.
Love, Alice Gunther
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