Thursday, April 12, 2007

Poor Lee (and me)

Lee had another grand mal seizure last night, well this morning. About 3 am he started and it lasted at least 5 minutes. Now I am an old pro, this being the third one, but it still is so scary going through this. For him it isn't so bad. He doesn't remember anything and is a bit sore from his muscles being so tense. However, I have a bit PTS, trying not to relive those minutes over and over. If you have ever witnessed a grand mal, then you know how horrible it is. Also when he first comes out of it he is totally disoriented. I know from experience that he regains his memory, but still it is awful when he doesn't recognize me or know his basic information. He first id'd me as his mom and then his sister, which is strange because he doesn't have a sister! Thankfully after about 10-15 min. he starts to get it.

Also the kids slept throughout the whole thing. We had 6 EMS guys up in the bedroom with their walkie talkies and loud voices and those blessed children didn't even stir. In fact, we were back form the hospital before they woke up! Lee's mom and Dad came over to stay while we went down to the ER. I am so grateful, because I know they would have been terrified.

The last one he had was in 2001 and about 18 mo. ago he stopped meds. I nagged him a bit, but not enough obviously and now here we are. I know this was a wake up call and he will be taking his meds now and I am resolved to do as much nagging as needed.

What we do know is that sleep is his 'trigger'. Also he had low potassium when they checked his blood at the ER. We will definitely follow up with this, but we would appreciate any prayers.


Lisa~~ said...

Sending lots of good wishes and thoughts your way.

Jenn M said...

Oh, how hard for your family. Sending prayers your way.

Eren said...

Oh Tracy, Lee (and you) are in my prayers today. I had no idea he had this. I had a friend when I was a kid that had epilepsy and I know what you mean...they can be scary. Her episodes are permanently written in my mind. Many blessings today you you friend!!!

Laura from TT said...

(((Tracy)))) How scary! I'm sure you are so shaken. Prayers for you and for Lee!

Robin from TT said...

((((Tracy)))) Lots and LOTS of prayers for Lee, and for you. I can only imagine how scary that must have been to witness. I hope he gets back on his meds and that he will be fine!

Many, MANY hugs, and LOTS of prayers!

Minnesota Momma said...

I will most certainly keep Lee and you all in my prayers. I can't imagine how frightening it must be. I hope the meds will keep everything under control.


Mendy from TT said...

(((Tracy))) how scary. Many prayers for you and Lee.

Michelle said...

Keeping you and Lee in my prayers. I hope he can get quickly regulated on the meds.

Anonymous said...

Big hugs for you Tracy!! I hope your DH will stay on his meds now and will take your feelings into consideration more. I will keep you guys in my prayers!!

Kathy (from TT)

Renee said...

I am so sorry. That sounds extremely scary. I hope that your nagging works this time and that he stays on meds. I'm glad everything turned out OK. -Renee (lotsofjoy)

Rachel (from TT) said...

Oh ((Tracy)) and ((Lee))! I'm so sorry, you must have been out of your mind with worry. Many P&PTs for you both, I can imagine you're still a little shaken up. Hugs and prayers from Rachel over at TT!

Anonymous said...

Many P&PT for Lee and you too Tracy. How very scary! Lots of HUGS.

Julie (Mommy2Many on TT)

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Tracy, OMG - my prayers are with you! LiLi has seizures and they are so frightening! Please let me know if there is anything we can do.


Mary said...

Adding my hugs and prayers, Tracy. That must have been so scary.

KC said...

Hugs to you. How scary. Praying for you both.

Lizz from TT said...

((((Tracy))))) How frightening!! Many prayers for you and your dear husband. I hope that this is the last time you guys have to experience this. ((hugs))

Alice Gunther said...

I am praying for you and your husband, Tracy.

Anothermadhousewife said...

So sorry about this, Tracy. When Caleb was little, he had a seizure, and it was terrifying. Erika