Friday, April 27, 2007


Today my Mom came by and as she was leaving she offered to french braid Laine's hair. It has just gotten long enough and well, she is the expert! Laine was thrilled and was so good and still.

The braids were so cute and she immediately wanted to run off and show her brothers her new 'do.

There is something about hair and mothers and daughters. Hair is such a very big part of our feminine culture. It was this discussion over at the 4Real Learning Boards that first had me pondering the whole hair/mother/daughter/sister/friend importance.

I don't really have anything deep or meaningful to say about it only that I find it interesting and comforting. I would guess that probably every woman in every culture around the world has some childhood memory involving hair and the care and maintenance of it. I have several myself and I can also recall countless discussions with friends and even mere acquaintances about hair. How to achieve a certain look, struggles with poof or flatness etc...

Many of my childhood memories involve the braids. I remember the pull and tug of my mothers fingers and the softness of her hands. Sometimes when she was doing my hair, we were in a hurry or I was particularly squirmy and that might warrant and extra tug here or there or even the dreaded bop on the head with the brush!

Now with my own daughters the memories can come rushing back as they sit before me on the bathroom counter. Laine and Mary Claire actually like bows and braids. Mary Clare doesn't always keep them in, but she will bring me them from all over the house and tip her head so I can fix her up.

After Laine was all braided up I decided to see if MC was ready for a new look too.

I love the pigtails!

I also had to include this pic. Mary Clare sure is a fox!

Thursday, April 26, 2007, two,three, testing......

I am administering the CAT tests to Jake and Ryan today and tomorrow. It isn't required by law here in Georgia until 3rd grade and then every three years after, but I wanted to give it to them now both for my own reference and also so they will learn how to take this kind of color in the bubble test. I will send it back to be graded and then I will get results by mail.

Part of me thinks standardized testing is bunk, but part of me does see the value in it. I am glad that in HS this test does not become the be all and end all of learning.

Few Words

We celebrated two events in the past two weeks. These are wonderful events that totally stand alone and truly do not need any embellishing blog words from moi, but I feel I must post something to commemorate these special occasions.

my Grandparent's 60th anniversary = amazing, inspirational, wonderful

Jake receiving his First Holy Communion = awesome and humbling

Thursday, April 19, 2007

This Date in History

With all of the excitement around here (missions, Easter, seizures etc.) I have been distracted and haven't really reflected on the significance of this month.

It has been over one year now since we landed on U.S. soil and our precious daughter became an American citizen. We arrived home on April 15th 2006. It was the night before Easter.

The next morning, Easter, I woke up feeling pretty rested and full of energy.
When Jojo and Gampy arrived with all of the kids, MC met her brothers and sisters for the first time. It was simply incredible to see them all together on the couch cuddling and cooing at their baby sister. MC handled it very well. She was very solemn and patient and let them fuss all over her. She was curious about them too and her eyes darted from one face to the next. Laine finally was able to do the one thing she had been longing to do ever since she knew she was going to have a baby sister, feed her a bottle!

We headed to Mass where we had to stand in the back because we were late. I remember feeling so happy, as if I was floating on air. I didn't mind standing and holding Mary Clare one bit.

The rest of the afternoon is a blur I admit. I crashed after Mass and even though we went to a family egg hunt I don't remember too much!

I do remember a few nights later sitting in the den with the older boys and Mary Clare. Lee was tucking the twins into bed and Mary Clare was finishing her bottle. We were all squished into a big chair and after her bottle we kissed and played with her and she got the hiccups. It was the first time Jake and Ryan had heard her have the hiccups and they though it was hilarious. They giggled and then slowly Mary Clare smiled and the she hiccuped again and as the boys laughed again she giggled a little too! It was a hiccup-giggle spiral for several minutes.

Many people have asked me, both before Mary Clare was with us and even more recently, "How are the kids adjusting? What do they think about this?" They ask with curiosity and maybe a tiny bit of anxiousness for us. Sometimes it is difficult to adjust to a new family member. This is not the situation with our family however.

She is loved and cherished by all of us. She is also poked at, bugged, knocked down accidently and tickled to the extreme. She is read to and sung to and scolded at just as any other toddler.

Sometimes when I see her with her siblings, rolling around like puppies and chasing each other around the house and so forth, I sigh and shake my head. Sometimes I raise my voice and demand that everyone just Settle Down Immediately. Sometimes I grin and bite my tongue to keep it from calling out the former. Sometimes, some very wonderful and gracefilled times, I also remember the amazing blessing and gift of siblings.

I have one very dear sister and I am so grateful that she is mine! I hope to instill a sense of love and value between my children so that as adults they will honor the unique sibling status. Who else will know exactly what you mean when you recall Dad's goofy jokes and funky smells? Who else will remember the unique twinkle of mom's eye when she is in a teasing mood and the feel of her soft kiss on a boo boo?

Siblings can know you very intimately. The good, the bad and yes the ugly. And if your mom and dad have raised y'all up right they love you anyway! A healthy sibling relationship is an awesome testament and example of the love of Christian brotherhood that Christ desires for us.

Well this got to be much longer than I had intended when I sat down to reflect on our journey as a family. I like where it has taken me though. Thinking on my own happiness and joy at seeing my kiddos grow in love together has renewed my appreciation for sibling loveliness.

Love ya sis!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Ryan: I wish it wasn't illegal to marry your sister.

Me: Why?!

Ryan: I really want to marry Mary Clare, she is so cute. Oh well, since I can't marry her I guess I will be a priest.


Me: Good morning Laine! Did you have a good night's sleep?

Laine: Yes. Is today tomorrow?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Doctor Visit

Today I took Lee for his appointment. Thankfully there are no sign of brain damage, but he will have an EEG soon as we can get one.

He has said he his going to take his meds now and I totally believe him. He is completely sincere, but I do think he is still in some form of denial. He just doesn't see this as serious or at least I am not seeing that he does.

I am still dealing with some anger and tenseness about this whole thing. It is hard for me to relax around him. I am always on alert even though I know it is unlikely he will seize again. He has never had one while on the meds.

I have been thinking on why I write and why I blog and seeing the responses below is another dimension of this whole blogging thing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and comments.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Poor Lee (and me)

Lee had another grand mal seizure last night, well this morning. About 3 am he started and it lasted at least 5 minutes. Now I am an old pro, this being the third one, but it still is so scary going through this. For him it isn't so bad. He doesn't remember anything and is a bit sore from his muscles being so tense. However, I have a bit PTS, trying not to relive those minutes over and over. If you have ever witnessed a grand mal, then you know how horrible it is. Also when he first comes out of it he is totally disoriented. I know from experience that he regains his memory, but still it is awful when he doesn't recognize me or know his basic information. He first id'd me as his mom and then his sister, which is strange because he doesn't have a sister! Thankfully after about 10-15 min. he starts to get it.

Also the kids slept throughout the whole thing. We had 6 EMS guys up in the bedroom with their walkie talkies and loud voices and those blessed children didn't even stir. In fact, we were back form the hospital before they woke up! Lee's mom and Dad came over to stay while we went down to the ER. I am so grateful, because I know they would have been terrified.

The last one he had was in 2001 and about 18 mo. ago he stopped meds. I nagged him a bit, but not enough obviously and now here we are. I know this was a wake up call and he will be taking his meds now and I am resolved to do as much nagging as needed.

What we do know is that sleep is his 'trigger'. Also he had low potassium when they checked his blood at the ER. We will definitely follow up with this, but we would appreciate any prayers.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

You never know...

Last week was crazy. We really worked hard and were very busy. Organizing families and youth to go on missions all over the city takes so much logistical planning it makes my brain hurt. Lee had much of the responsibility, but there were at least 30 people all working hard to coordinate this effort. At the last minute, I was needed to help plan the kids camp that children of the families would go to while the parents would come together for prayer and meditation and discussion in the morning before heading out. It was not especially camp-like, more like fancy babysitting :). We did a few crafts and played some games and by the last day I even had fun myself. There were some wonderful 7th grade girls who volunteered to help out and most of them didn't even ask me to sign their service hours sheets!

On Saturday morning, as she was dropping her kids off, I asked one of the moms how their day went on Friday. She smiled and began to tell me three amazing encounters her group had. Her group was in a poorer area of town, walking around and just knocking on doors. One very young woman asked them to come in and see her two month old twin daughters. She was a lapsed Catholic and as the conversation continued she related how lonely and exhausted she was. She asked for their prayers and wanted information on the church and the missionaries were able to pray with her and get her the contact information for some help and support at the parish. They also got her information so the church could follow up with her too. Then this group set out again and walked further into the neighborhood. They came upon some teenage boys playing basketball. They approached these guys and talked awhile. At first the boys were impatient and wary, but soon they opened up and they prayed together and exchanged some information. As the group continued to walk on, a car pulled up beside them and motioned for them to stop and wait. An older gentleman in his 70's perhaps got out of the car with the help of his cane. He emotionally told them how he had been praying everyday for those boys at the basketball court and when he saw them together he was filled with hope and he said, "No one is gonna believe me, but Jesus is here!" He teared up as he was talking with them and asked to pray with them as well.

This experience is only from one group on one day! Mostly, we just said knocked, said hello, talked for a minute and moved on. But every day, at least one of the groups would have an encounter that could only be described as supernatural. I also know that just by going by and saying 'hi' we may have made someone's day. Isn't it nice just to know there are good people out there who really do care about you, just because you are you, a unique human soul? I think it is.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Great stories coming soon!..............

We are heading out on Day number three of the Holy Week Missions. I have some beautiful tales to share with you soon.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Holy Week

Lee and I are in a Catholic group that is involved in door to door missions during Holy Week. So not my thing. Lee however eats this stuff up and I go along for love.:) We have only participated once before in 2005. Last year we were a little busy travelling to China....

I have heard some beautiful stories about these missions and you would be surprised at how kind people are to these happy go lucky folks knocking on their doors and inviting them to church. Keep in mind we live in the bible belt and I did hear, "What? You're Catholic?!" a couple of times. This is a very community minded mission and the missionaries are just inviting people to come to the activities at the local parish. There is not supposed to be any proselytizing or confrontational stuff, just a friendly howdy, Happy Easter etc... Most people are just happy to see a friendly face and a smile. The missionaries do answer questions sometimes, just trying to clear up a few misconceptions floating around out there.

I will let you know if I hear or witness anything extraordinary. I suppose though it will just be lots of the ordinary goodness of genuine people (over 600 people!) trying to make connections and reach out to the community with kindness and hope. Actually, that in itself is pretty extraordinary really!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Old Same

Mary Clare and Emma in China

Last week my friend Bev came over with her girls to hang out and have dinner. Bev and I met almost one year ago when we travelled to China to meet our new daughters. She lives about 40 minutes away and we don't get together that often, but when we do it is like no time has passed at all. She is just one of those people you can do that with. I am happy to know several of those people because I am not the best at keeping up. I am constantly amazed at how several sweet women still count me as a friend, even if we haven't talked in months!

Mary Clare and Emma May 06

Her older daughter (bio) is in 6 and gets along great with the older kids and Emma is only a couple of days older than MC. They are from the same orphanage in China. Interestingly, we know of several families in Atlanta with girls from this orphanage, thousands of miles away. One family even lives in Bev and Shanes's small neighborhood.

Anyway, I took this book to read on the plane. In an nutshell, two girls have an arranged friendship and form a close bond as they grow up. The name for this type of relationship is 'old same'. I gave the book to Beverly to read while we were there and we both decided Emma and MC are to be 'old sames'. Without the added bonding during their footbonding rituals, of course.
Emma and Mary Clare August 06

I snapped some more pics last week but the were bathtub pictures and a little too risque for the internet, hee hee.

Now the girls are nearing two. We see evidence of two-ness in both cuties. They are both very independant and strong willed personalities. There is something about what they have been through that must lend to this inner toughness. These girls will take on anything. When I think about all of the Chinese girls who have been adopted in the United States, I can't help but consider their generation 20 years from now.

The adoption process from China is not an easy one for the waiting familes right now. Families who thought they would be waiting a year or so to meet their new daughters are waiting two years or more. It is so frustrating to see this slowdown and the reasons why are many and varied. My hope is that someday soon perhaps there will be less of a need, fewer children being abandoned and needing families. While that may be the case (and officials are describing slight drops in numbers) right now there are still thousands of children, mostly girls, living in orphanages and hundreds entering the institutions daily.

Our adoption agency, CCAI, sponsors children and many adoptive parents find ways to support the orphanages in China and provide things like water heaters, air conditioners, medicines and surgery. Check out these groups too.

Half the Sky Foundation
Alliance for Children