Wednesday, December 20, 2006


A good friend just lost her daughter at 25 wks. I am just so incredibly sad for them.

She is doing as well as can be expected and all of the details (scheduling surgery, memorials, what to say to friends and aquaintences etc..) seem to be helping her get through for now.

She has to have a c-section and man, that just seems awful, that she has to have surgery. Another friend pointed out, in a kind thought, that the scar will always serve as a reminder of her daughter. I burst into tears reading that. What a precious reminder of life!

I think about my own 'twin skin' stretch marks on my stomach and the c-section scar. I have not worn my scars bravely and proudly, but I should, shouldn't I?

No matter how big these kiddos get, no matter if they outlive me or if they don't, those scars, those silvery lines are like a natural version of a tatoo, a gentle proof. I am not saying I am hopping into a bikini or buying some crop tops, but I should not feel ashamed of them. I should not feel less feminine or womanly because of them. How ironic that some very physical evidence of my femininity, my motherhood has caused me self-loathing or embarrasment.

Please pray for my friend M and her husband and two young girls.


Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Oh Tracy, that is so sad and M's family will be in our prayers tonight.

Michelle said...

I try to think of my twin skin that way also. It's a badge of courage so to speak.

Keeping M, G and the girls in my prayers tonight and tomorrow. I just wish we were all there to wrap our arms around her, instead of settling for cyber hugs.

Donna said...

I will be praying for your friend in a special way today. I will offer my day for her. I, too, lost my baby when I was 34 weeks and had to endure a C-Section. Now, after reading your post, I will view my scar very differently.
God bless,

Ruth said...

I will be praying for your frind. How incredibly sad.

Anothermadhousewife said...

Wow. . .saying a prayer for your friend right now, Trace. I can't imagine how hard it would be to have a miscarriage that far along.

And I totally agree about the stretch marks. I was just thinking the other day, as I slid my finger along one on my lower back that I don't mind them so much anymore. We can be proud of them like 'battle scars.' :)

Minnesota Momma said...

We should be very proud of our scars. Coming from someone who thought she may never have children, I guess I do view them differently than most.

I'm just so incredibly sad for M & G. It's been hard for me to concentrate the past few days.

Anonymous said...


Karen Edmisten said...

How heartbreaking ... I'm so sorry for your friend, and will pray for her.