Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Busy

Things have been busy around here. Busy in a good way, although I do have to stop and pray and remind myself to sit back and enjoy the business, not try to get through it faster.

This year is the first year I have tried very, very hard not to get so wrapped in the to do list that I miss out on the experience of doing the list becasue I am so distracted just trying to check things off.

Mary Clare has been sick (upper respiratory infection) and has had so much mucus that she coughs, gags and throws up occasionally. (sorry for the gross out) She has been so healthy and this really is her first time being sick since we came home. In a way, it has been a blessing because nothing forces you to slow down the pace of family life like a sick little one.

So between poor sick MC and me consciously trying to chill out, these past 2-3 weeks have been wonderful for us all, despite the general seasonal busy-ness Advent. Even with a sick baby, imagine that!


Anothermadhousewife said...

Hope MC feels better soon! My little guy started an ick-sounding cough just yesterday. I'm hoping it comes and goes quickly (and doesn't circulate all the way around the family).

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Sorry to hear that Mary Clare is sick. I hope that she feels better soon. It must be that time of year when "it's going around" because it's been through our house :-(

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Hey Tracy,
Thanks for your sweet comment. My favorite camera is the Fuji S7000. Honestly, it is big and bulky and the majority of images I take are done with the Fiji FinePix, which is the size of a credit card! The art come from the computer in Photoshop, Picasa2, or Microsoft Photo. I do take most my BW in the BW mode because it produces a sharper image.
Hope that helps ;-)

BTW - What was your personality?

Michelle said...

Sorry that MC has been so sick - hope all the other kids manage to avoid the sickies!

Glad things are GOOD busy for you.