Jake was only 14mo. old when Ryan was born, still a baby himself. But when he came to the hospital to visit me when Ryan was born, he looked huge! My Ry was just 6lbs 13oz. He had a sprinkling of dark, auburny hair and a classic English roses and cream complexion. The freckles came later!

He gained weight quickly and became a strong and sturdy little toddler with round cheeks and the absolute softest skin. We called him butter baby cause his skin was 'soft as buttah'. He was also nicknamed Danger Baby.

Ryan is almost fearless and is full of bold curiousity and as a baby, we could always count on him to find the most dangerous object or situation no matter where we were. He gave and surely still gives his guardian angel a workout!

He has always been a people person. He is a friendly and outgoing kid, a total extrovert! We joke he has never met a stranger and he could make friends with a doornob. This kid is a total charmer and one of the most good hearted people I know.

He is a nurturer type, always looking out for the little guys and born leader with a soft heart. The younger kids adore him and even the sibling he fights with most can often be found giggling and whispering with the adored big bro. Lately they have found some common ground and have been getting along so much better. He is a great big brother and he actually likes to help with Sara, asking us if he can feed her, hold her or just play with her.
I see him making great strides in his self-control. He is so determined and willfull, two traits that can really try the patience of a mom, but will serve him well as an adult as he continues to learn to apply those strengths in positive ways. I admire that quality in him.
Happy Birthday, my son. I treasure you and I'm so happy that God has put you in my life. You make the world a better, brighter place.
Love, Mom

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