1. Sent out new family pictures to friends and family. I am terrible at this for some reason. I know it is fairly easy to upload pictures and then send them out to people via Kodak, but still, I rarely do it.
2. We have had a great two weeks of homeschooling and lots of efficient planning by moi, thanks to great new organization system called workboxing. We have learned a lot and done some fun and creative things too.
3. Almost finished decorating the big girls' room. We bought a new chest and lamps from IKEA and I finished putting up the border which is made from sweet alphabet fairy cards. There are a couple of more things I need to do, but overall it is coming together and looks like a real cozy bedroom, not just a room with two twin beds!
I'm terrible at #1 too! So, good for you! Loved the other list. What great successes for the week!!! Thanks for posting them and brightening my day!!!
And I was one of the fortunate recipients of those precious photos! Thanks for sharing!! See you SOON!!
Tracy, i want to see photos! Andy and I bought some alphabet fairy cards for our little girls' room, too, i bet they are the same ones...we were thinking of framing her initials over her bed. They are so cute. Miss you!
yoikes, you workbox too!
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