Here's an ironic hot topic: Moms For Modesty.
It is not hot because of any debate or controversy though, I mean is there a mom out there that wants her daughter to be objectified? Really? I know some moms seem to dress their daughters in hootchie clothes, but I don't think it is because they think their girls are sexy or that they really desire them to be seen that way. It truly must be ignorance. I believe these moms don't see their clothing choices as immodest. This could be because my generation was basically taught that modesty is a bad word and these moms probably have a limited idea of what modesty is and therefore no clear understanding of what it's opposite is. Perhaps my hypothesis is wrong on they whys of the kiddie hootchie wear, but I will not believe that modern American moms want their daughters to be seen as a commodity, no matter what the child beauty pageants promote, or what some slimy clothing retailers promote (see Abercrombie and Fitch).
I guess the hotness of this topic comes from the moms who are all hot over the limited choices retailers have given us in the last few years in regards to 'cool' clothes for our daughters. Thankfully, my girls are still young and it is not too hard for me to find cute clothes that cover their bodies appropriately, but I have heard many a friend bemoaning the chore of shopping with their daughters who are just a bit older. I know I have some great options, Land's End and Carters are some favorites around here and some chic kid boutiques have some very cute and unique, but modest lines of clothes.
The worst offenders seem to be the aforementioned A&F, but also the cheaper retailers like Wal-mart etc. Remember the trend of pants/shorts with writing on the bottom? That is such a cringe inducer around here, so parents you want your daughter calling attention to her rear? This will sound crude but it is like painting a bullseye on her butt!
Please spare the 'well they shouldn't be looking' excuse, why billboard your butt if you don't want people to look?
Off soapbox now....
I think what is needed is more education on what modesty is. It is not limited to a burkha or a denim jumper. You can look attractive and hip and be modest as well. I do think there are some lines not meant to be crossed, but I am not a burkha or denim jumper lady myself. I am sure I have crossed the line before, but I am going to make an effort to be more mindfull of my clothing choices. If I want my girls to dress and behave modestly I need to hold myself accountable as well.
Here is the Moms For Modesty Mission Statement:
1. As a Mom for Modesty I believe in common-sense modesty for girls and young women.
2. I believe in refraining from sexualizing our girls and young women.
3. I believe that it is unwise and unfair to taunt boys and young men by permitting my daughter(s) to dress in an immodest manner.
4. I believe that true beauty comes from within and I strive to teach my daughter(s) this truth.
5. I will loyally shop at retailers that provide girls' and young womens clothing that is modest, affordable and stylish.
If you agree (and who doesn't?) with these statements, why not add your own button? Be sure to link back to Everyday Mommy
the blogger who initiated this campaign.
This is not a religious or political thing, this is a parent thing. This should be something all parents can come together on and really affect change in the marketplace and the youth culture at large. Let's be the grown-ups, draw the line and say ENOUGH of the sexual marketing of and to the youth of America.
Zoe's not even home and I worry about this for her. I don't want to make her a dork, but I won't have a daughter in daisy duke's. It is amazing what parent's will let their children wear.
I saw a catalog in the mail once for modest children's clothing. I thought some of it was really cute, but am sure most of today's tweens would find it thoroughly Amish.
This is definately a topic that could use more discussion.
LOL about the "amish" look! I know there is a middle ground, it shouldn't be so hard to find! I guess the actual availablity of good clothes isn't so much my concern as the seeming abundance of all of the slutty stuff.
Although decidedly religous in nature, a great website and a book are:
Modesty doesn't mean the denim jumper! Oh my, I don't think I could wear one of those and leave the mouse!
I'm totally on board with this. My daughter is four and has finally starting wearing some 3t/4t clothes...I can't believe some of the trashy-looking midriff tank tops and stuff I see out there for girls as young as her age.
I had this problem shopping for school clothes last year with my seven year old godchild. She is very slim and finding pants were hard but she's so tall that none of the skirts could even be remotely considered! Tops without writing on them (most were smart alecky sayings and rude) were hard to find too. We ended up staying away from tshirts and getting more "dressy" shirts and sweaters. Honestly though the skirts were really short. So I am totally with you on this subject.
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