Thursday, September 14, 2006

Homeschooling so far...and MC's first steps!!

First, yes, my baby MC has taken her first steps! It started on Sunday actually while we were at Amelia's first brithday party. She was holding onto an ottoman and then let go and took two steps to me! Two is her current limit. It is so freaking cute, she gets so tickled just practicing those two steps, I think she falls just because she is giggling too much. I have some sorry quality video of this I will try to upload this weekend.

So how is the HS? Everyone is asking and I am happy to say, so far, so good! We are getting the basics (math, reading and writing) done everyday and are easing into extras like art, music and nature. (Speaking of nature, today in the backyard we found a Hole. I took pictures of it. We tried not to get to close, but I needed some good shots to upload and I am hoping someone can help me figure out what critter has made a backyard habitat. The Hole is pretty scary frankly, but a good giggly, mysterious scary. ) Jake is in tennis and Ryan has started flag football. There is just so much I want to do with the kids that I am really having to hold back and give us time to adjust to the homeschooling way of life.

One thing I am so grateful for is the opportunity for time and conversation with the boys. I come from a fairly girly family and have never spent much time with 6 and 8 yr. old boys before. I am beginning to think the whole cootie thing is a myth, but I'll let y'all know when I find out for sure. ;) Seriously, boys this age are so wonderful and I am glad to get in on this part of their lives. Last year I had to pry information about their day from them. When I would hear stories from them before bed or in the car it was a gift from God! Now I know what they have been doing all day and I also seem to ask better questions of them too.


Anothermadhousewife said...

So glad things are going well! Did you ever get your hands on Saxon teachers' guides? I still need to call you. E :)

Anonymous said...

Tracy... just wanted to say THANKS for clueing me in on the Lapbooks. I think that will work great for the big girls since we are not in 4K this year. Thanks for the idea..

Elle~from TT

Anonymous said...

Yippee for MC and her first steps! That is so great.

As for 9.11, just think, that is Shayna's birthday so there are good things about that day.

Hope all is well.
Beth E.
The Escobar Family

Suzanne Temple said...

Welcome to homeschooling!!