Monday, August 7, 2006

I miss Tivo

We did have it once, it was awesome. We were what the folks in the biz call 'early adopters'. Oh it was so wonderful! I smile when I hear the special goink Tivo noise on a commercial or someone else's Tivo.

Alas, those days ended all too soon when we went cold turkey on the whole TV thing. For over a year we were a TV free home. Well, we actually had a couple of TVs, no cable or local reception though, just a very busy Netflix account. We sold the thing on ebay (it held it's value pretty well).

We since have moved and I succesfully lobbied for a return to cable, just the basic, basic package though (local channels and about 400 preacher channels) Still I only really watch occasionally. It seems I have become allergic to commercials. I know some are funny etc... but for the most part UGH! There is this one for some foot fungus creme that totally nauseates me. It has the cartoon nasty bug things that crawl under a toenail...eww I can't even type more I am almost gagging.

If I only had Tivo again................

So anyone care to share your most hated commercial? Or all you all part of the lucky ones, the ones with Tivo or DVRs?


Minnesota Momma said...

LOL, Tracy! I just have to chuckle at your longing for Tivo. Alas, I don't have it now, nor have I ever had it. BUT, as of today, I just signed up to get DVR when we move to our new house on Sept. 1! I feel like I'm moving into the 21st century. Although, I don't watch a lot of TV, I'm excited about having this new option for those few shows that I don't want to miss!

Tracy C. said...

Kim, you will love it! I miss you, do you have a blog?

Michelle said...

I miss our Tivo like crazy. For some reason, we can't get it to work in our new place. But, I won't give up. If it cannot work here, I'll get the DVR thingy. I NEED the skip commercials. They make me want to throw my TV out the window. That toenail commercial is really gross. I hate all the prescription drug ones, simply becuase most of them don't tell you what the drug is for, but lists all the things that you can't have and still take it. They are really annoying.

Pug Mama said...

the commercial for the childrens mouth wash that turns teeth blue if you haven't brushed well. The kid in it gives a big smile and his teeth are all blue and slimmy. OMG! I lost it. Gag, dry heave, etc... I have SERIOUS issues with watching people brush their teeth, so this new comm. was the worst!

Trixie said...

Interesting question you pose...I am find it ironic that some of the side effects mentioned on the drug ads are actually worse than the original condition. So I too am annoyed with these commericals. We also dislike ambulance chaser commericals. Melissa would appreciate this one: Ken Nugant "One Call - That's All!". What's with the catchy rhymes? Also I am not a big fan of any commerical where the volume is five times louder than the show. Finally I would prefer not to see Victoria Secret commericals or any bra commericals. I remember a time when those weren't allow on TV, then only on late night. I wish the sexy commericals would go away. It's enough to watch it on a TV show but I don't need it EVERYWHERE. I am no prude but I am trying to have limits.

Our friends have the "devil box" and we laugh like crazy because they have 1000s things on there which have yet to be watched. Last year when everyone had more time, we use to go to their house and watch a ton of shows on a Saturday while blogging. We would waste an entire day eating, chatting, watching TV and blogging. I was always caught up by the end of the day. Unfortunately we don't have time for this anymore and the whole idea of watching GOBS of tv just makes me ill.

Georgia said...

I fully admit I'm a TV (with DVR) junkie. I love my TV. And DVR rocks!!! A phone call for Jeff? Well, I'll just push the pause button and we can resume when he's done. Out of town? I don't have to miss Survivor.

We will try to cut back when Zoe comes along. I don't want a TV Zombie daughter, but with DVR, we can record the best of children's programming and skip commercials, right?

And that toe fungus commercial? Super-eww. Jeff likes to turn it up because he knows it annoys me so.

Tracy C. said...

Trixie, ITA about the Victoria's secret ads, um, soft po*n? I want my boys to be able to watch sports without girls with b**bs hanging out trying to sell some beer to my kids. I probably am a prude :)

I just don't have time for lots of TV right now anyways, but I sure wish I could get rid of those commercials, Ken Nugent, Perry Ellis and the toe fungus guys too!

Allison said...

Oh GOSH! I hate hate hate that toenail fungus commercial. I have to change the channel when it comes on.

Donna said...

My husband wanted the Tivo and I thought it was a waste of money since we never watched TV. Now I don't know how we survived without it!

We use it mostly for Gwen. Blue's Clues is her favorite and she can watch it any time she wants (or we need some peace and quiet and want her to be entertained by something other than us!).

We have netflix but don't ever use it anymore. We'll probably cancel it.

I love zipping right past those commercials!


Minnesota Momma said...

Tracy! I miss you too. As a matter of fact, yes, I do have a blog. I just never published it because I was trying to get it set up just right. Plus I only wrote in it a few times a year. BUT...lucky you! I have revived it now and am ready to blog away! Check it out!

Robin said...

Hey Tracy, I really don't like commercials either. When I do actually sit down to watch TV, i usually end up surfing through the commercials. Of course, that causes me to miss at least half of the program I sat down to watch in the first place! AKK!!

I don't watch a whole lot of TV either. Our set is usually on Noggin, or Food Networ, or HGTV. I do watch SciFi on Friday Nights for both of the Stargate shows. I have to have my geek time. LOL!!

Mis you!


Julie said...

The foot fungus spot is BAD but erectile disfunction spots when you are watching TV with your Dad have to be the all time worse!!!