Monday, June 11, 2007

For sale

The house is officially "For Sale". Lee put the sign up Saturday morning.

Two years ago we moved closer into the city to be more convenient for Lee's commute. He was commuting almost 2 hrs and he also travelled quite a bit. We left a suburban McMansion neighborhood to move to a more urban suburban neighborhood so that we could spend more time together as a family.

I really love this home and the neighborhood. We are on a small cul-de-sac with a giant magnolia tree in the middle. The kids have made some wonderful friends and I love having our church down the street and being close to the grocery store. We are also closer to our parents as well.

So why the move? Well there are several reasons and when we listed "move" and "stay" reasons the moves won out by a slight margin. About 6 months after we moved her, Lee took a job with a small company working from home, no more commute. Over the last 18 months the business has been doing well and Lee has been travelling less.

Homeschooling is wonderful and I hope to continue it for several years, but we want the opportunity to send them to a great private Catholic school if and when they are ready. That school is near where we used to live.

There are a few more reasons to move and several to stay, but once we had it on paper, both of us came to the decision to move. It wasn't an easy one and we are grateful for the last two years we have spent in this home....and with the way the market is, it may be several more before it sells! Hardy har har.I sincerely hope not though

Ironically, our old home is for sale again too. When I saw this I felt like it was a message from God. When we moved here people thought we were sorta nuts for leaving our beautiful new home with the high ceilings and tricked out basement for this older and smaller home. I think people undertsood the motivation though, more family time. Myy assurance that we did the right thing slipped a few times over the last two years, I admit. Now that the old/new home is for sale again, it is like we have a chance to go back and just move right back in, as if the last two years were just a hiccup.

I discussed this with Lee and we both agreed, we wouldn't buy that house again anyway! Living here the past two years has helped us define what we really desire in a home. The last house as fancy as it was, had a rotten yard. It was very large and honestly not very 'homey' if you know what I mean. A great house objectively, just not for us.

Now as we are checking out what is available in that area, we are remembering what we have loved about this home. The level cul-de-sac, the big yard, mature trees and the smallness of the subdivision that leads to a very friendly neighborly atmosphere. I am sure that we can find that again, no matter where we live, now that we know what we are looking for.

I am trying very hard not to obsess over selling this home, but it is hard I tell ya! I just want it over. I am sure you can imagine that trying to keep a home in show mode with 5 kiddos is not a very relaxing way to spend the summer. However, I remember God has a plan and me worrying about stuff will not make anything actually happen (darn!). I know only with prayer and patience will this be played out in the least stressful way. So we have begun praying for our home to sell in a timely manner and also praying for the family that will live here one day. Please join us in this prayer request if you can!


Essy said...

Praying for you, and may the whole process go quickly and smoothly.

Lisa~~ said...

Good luck with the sale, purchase and move and may all go quickly and smoothly.

Minnesota Momma said...

(((Tracy))) I will most certainly join you in your prayer request. It's hard to move, no matter the reasons. I hope you find the perfect home for your family.

I know when we made the decision to move last fall, God played such a huge part in our buying & selling. It was HIS plan, that's for sure, because the market is awful here and all the homes that were for sale last summer in our neighborhood are still for sale, except ours. That, and we ended up in this older, wonderful home in an established neighborhood in the country, a far cry from the new construction in town we *almost* went with. All with no realtors!

I will also pray that He eases your mind during this process. I know how stressful it can get.

God's Blessings to you...

Pixel Fairy Princess said...

You are always in our prayers ~ especially since this move doesn't take you to far away :D

This was such a touching post. We too were in the McMansion with all its bells and whistles and after two years there (plus the time we invested building the thing) it was never home. We love the mature trees, lake, and neighbors we have now. Our "smaller" and amore central floor plan in our home brings us together for rather than drives us apart to our "own rooms". I have nothing really agains these big homes ~ they are just not for us :D

I am so glad that homeschooling worked out and you are continuing it. Ian is going back to schoolnext year, Faith Lutheran, and he is very excitied about it. I sure did love having him home and working with him, but I didn't realize how much he wanted to go back =(

erika said...

I hope everything goes quickly and smoothly with the move. I love your house (neighborhood, culdesac, pool) and will pray that you find just what you're looking for.

We're thinking we'll probably move next summer. But after moving 7 times in the first 7 years of our marriage, I have LOVED being in this house for 4 years (eventhough we've REALLY outgrown it).

Trixie said...

The market is horrible here. Our small neighborhood is struggling to sell 5 homes. The oldest one has been on the market for more than 6 months. We considered selling before this happened and have only been here 2 yrs. We had the list too and the pro side of moving narrowly won out. But once the other neighbors put their homes up - we decided to stay put. The competition was too steep and we couldn't imagine keeping the house and lawn in "show condition" for 3 months let alone 3 weeks!

GOOD LUCK! We are rooting for you.

A. Campbell said...

Moving time! Sounds like you may have to bury St. Joseph in the yard..... neat to read about your plans and all your reasons. I am a big fan of the pro and con list making strategy, works like a charm. Enjoy reading your blog - especially since I caught the bug, too! Take care and hope to see yall soon!