{pretty} |
We have been battling strep and various viruses since Thanksgiving. It has been challenging to say the least. Last week was Sara's 3rd birthday and poor thing was sick! We were all horrified for her. I made these pretty pink pancakes and she didn't even eat any. *sad* We ended up having her special cake this week and she was feeling much better and ready to celebrate being 'free' (that's 3 for those of you who may not be versed in toddler speak)
{funny} |
I also printed out some coloring sheets for the kids and they worked very, very hard on them.
MaryClare fell asleep mid-color she was working so hard. This kid is one amazing sleeper. I must do a post with all of the pictures I have of her sleeping in odd places at odd times.
{real} |
My littlest one has cut her first two bottom teeth. There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth (by those of us who already have them) over this event, not to mention drool. I'm glad they've finally erupted, poor thing.
{happy} |