I don't want to repeat it all here, but I'll try to summarise the author and to add my own personal feelings.
God's plan for families is for them to stay together. Period. It disturbs me when people (well meaning) say things like, "God planned for you to be her family all along!" That is simply not the case. I've always known this, but I've had a difficult time explaining it. Yes, God is omniscient and knew we would be together, but sin is never part of His plan. When sin occurs, it occurs despite God's knowledge of it. (see: Adam and Eve...)
No, sin is never part of His plan. Free will is, however.
We are free to toss His beautiful gifts away. The Garden of Eden, our fertility, our families and yes His precious babies.
No, adoption was never part of His plan for families.
And yet, and yet ... I have this precious, beautiful daughter. A chance for a lifetime loving relationship with her and her with us.
It is our own free will that has necessitated this whole plan B (and C and D and so on) stuff. But, thank God for the plan Bs. He is glorified in the plan Bs.
After all, isn't our Saviour part of a plan B too?

You summed it up beautifully. At least, that's how I've always viewed it. I know that predestination and free will are very controversial topics - that great Christian minds have been debating between the two for centuries - but this very much is how I feel. Thanks for reading.
Well said!
Well said. I never thought about it before.
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