Sara's first birthday was the 6th. I have yet to write a significant thing about her birth story (much less her conception story, not those details, mind you, but how in the world I became pregnant again) because I'm in denial! She is just a dream baby. She's easy going and charming and so squooshyly delicious. Just like the baby you always thought you'd have when you were 6 and playing grown-ups. Just like the baby in movies and diaper commercials. That said, I truly am excited for her every new milestone and I really hope that someday I can rightly express the bittersweet quality of motherhood that I am wallowing in currently.
My Advent plan is proceeding just as I planned, verrrrrry slowly. Tree is up and a few decorations. Advent wreath is going and the Jesse Tree is filling up. I made a cute Advent calendar with envelopes, scrapbook paper and clothespins. Still, I have boxes in the storage room with even more Christmas stuff, including a snow village set that I was going to just skip this year, but the girls are hounding me about putting up.
Of course when I am tempted to panic that this or that hasn't been done/bought/made yet and freak out when Lee makes plans to have over company at the last minute-I take a deep breath and count to ten and try to remind myself that this is the plan. To live more in the present and to have a kinder, gentler, calmer Advent-that's the plan at least.
School break has begun and I am not sure who is more relieved, me or the kids. Report cards came out for first semester and they all 4 have straight A's. I am so proud, but then also embarrassed at my pride. One reason I like homeschooling is the absence of worldly, schooly stuff like grades. I want my kids to enjoy learning for learning's sake and to develop into thoughtful, critically thinking adults. A quote I read (or heard?) recently about one having to take an education, not be given it really resonated within me. The idea that I am not educating my kids, rather they are becoming educated, educating themselves really, suits me very much and fits in with what I have learned since we began 'home education' a few years ago. OTOH, the benchmark of achieving a certain grade has motivated certain students around here. So there you go. No real consensus on homeschooling methodology has emerged around here (by here I mean in my head) and maybe it never will.
I was so grateful to be able to spend some time in Adoration Tuesday night. After mass, I noticed a flyer from the Respect Life ministry that was hosting night of Adoration to pray for the whole health care bill mess. Luckily, both Lee and I were able to attend in a tag team sort of way. It was a nasty, rainy and cold night but sitting in out small chapel, listening to the rain and then praying the Rosary with the diverse group of people who were there filled me with warmth and peace. Of course the health care bill is still a mess, but I know without a doubt our prayers were heard and I had that incredible feeling, one I get sometimes during mass too, of being in communion not only with the Church Militant in the present, but with the saints and angels.
Last night Lee was telling me something about an article he read in First Things about Cicero. I haven't had a chance to read the article yet and I forget what he was trying to tell me. Anyway- I had a sudden thought again about history, saints and historical figures really, and the bizarre notion of being able to meet these people someday in Heaven. I mean can you imagine chatting with St. Peter, St. Bernadette or even some Old Testament folks? Moses, Ruth? Or even folks who aren't declared saints but who we, God willing, could meet up with in Heaven? Chesterton, Lewis, O'Connor? And of course just many, many more souls that history has never recorded. Such a humbling thought. Thoughts I need to think more often.
On Tuesday we watched "The Song of Bernadette". I have seen it before. but it was the first time for the kids. Later we read about her on the internet. Oh for sure, she is one saint I need to read about and become closer to no doubt. What a sweet, humble woman. ***Bonus points for anyone who can guess why I chose Tuesday for these activities.....
The Immaculate Conception of the BVM.
I have cheat sheet! Ha! We became friends with this older British couple that comes to our church once a year or so when they are in town visiting their daughter. They send our kids Advent and Lent calanders each season from their anglo-catholic church in England so they have all the feasts etc. on them. I hope we can go visit them someday. That would be an awesome homeschool adventure!
Ding! Ding! You win, lol! It looks like you're my only reader Mommabelle.
Everyone is probably winding down the school year.
We have our last day tomorrow!
I know I read several blogs, but only comment on a couple.
You are the only blogger I know that homeschools in a very similar way with very similar thoughts about it.
Here's a funny story about St. Bernadette. My daughter loves her and wants to go to Lourdes. She is also studying French, but has been complaining about it. I told her if she wanted to go to Lourdes she'd have to speak French. She was quite disappointed! LOL
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