Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Neighborhood Field Day

We live in a great neighborhood. There are about 60 homes and we have everything from empty nesters to newlyweds. Luckily, there are several kids my kids ages and as all the parents have gotten to know their familes we all feel comfortable letting them play at each others houses. All summer and every afternoon it is like grand central station around here. The phone ringing, door banging, dog barking... you know the drill.

We are the only homeschool family and our kids were bummed at the end of last school year when all of their buds were getting ready for field day. I always hated field day in school so it was hard for me to relate, but when Lee announced we would host a Woodland Forest Field Day I went along with it and got into the spirit.

First our kids picked some events. here's what they came up with:

1. water balloon toss
2. run around the neighborhood
3. hole digging
4. soccer ball goal kick
5. quick dash down the street
6. timed karate bag kicks
7. swim race

getting ready for the first event

They invited all the kids in the neighborhood. We ended up with way more than we thought and some came after the events had gotten underway.

They're off!

Lainey in the water balloon shotput

We also decided we'd have individual winners, an all-round winner and a sportsmanship award.

The kids were pumped and the big day arrived.

my neighbor handing out some refreshments

here goes Ryan

Head coach and Master of Ceremonies {note the whistle!}

The kids had SO much fun (so did Lee!) and lots of other parents came out to cheer. We had volunteers to do this again next summer, bigger and better! I have to say this was much better than the field days I remember at my schools. Heh.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New grout!

*UPDATE at the bottom 2/29/12*

We have tile in our kitchen. Not what I'd pick, but it came with the house. Besides the issue of all the broken plates and glasses we've had around here the last four years, I HATE the grout. I simply cannot keep it looking clean. I mean, I can clean it, disinfect it, etc..., but it just looks gross. The tile itself is a cream color and the original grout is very light. {I only know that from checking the low traffic areas under the cabinet ledges}

Eventually we'd like to add hardwood to all of the downstairs, but that is on hold right now. Things keep popping up, like having to get a new air conditioner, replacing our sewer line and fixing/replacing our deck {although we are getting it done in the best way!} So my dream of replacing the dish monster tile and the gross carpet is on the backburner for now.

BUT! I found a great interim fixer! Ready to be amazed?

The dark part is the before.
So, are you stunned? And maybe a bit grossed out by the before? Me too!
And guess what my 'magic' solution is?
Yes, paint. I got outdoor acrylic paint at Hobby Lobby in a color I thought would go nicely {antique mum}, then I cleaned the area took a small brush and painted along the grout lines. I am not the most careful painter though so I use a wet paper towel to wipe down the part I get on the tile. So simple and easy. I wish I had done this ages ago.

Well this is one of the most visited pages. I think from google images? Anyway I wanted to update anyone who's wondering how it's held up. Well, it still gets dirty, but it hasn't been hard to clean and although sometimes when it's mopped the paint can get a bit peely, overall I'm still glad I did it. And it's easily touched up, if I feel like it! Thanks for checking it out and good luck with your projects.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sara was having a fussy moment when Anne was here this weekend. {highly unusual, cause she is the easiest baby} and Anne said, "Aw, what's wrong Sara?"

Without missing a beat, MaryClare piped up. "She can't talk, Aunt Anne."

Anne felt pretty stupid. :)

Of course, this is the same four year old who was telling us earlier that we have two heads, our foreheads and our regular heads.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Everything and the kitchen sink ...

Summer wrap up:

Jake and Ryan went to camp this summer to Camp Marymount. I went to this camp from 83-91. It's a traditional camp and accomodations are rather, um, rustic. I wish I had some pictures, but my camera lens busted during drop off! Luke really wants to go next year, but I want him to wait until he is older. They were there for three weeks. I missed my guys so much, but they had a wonderful time, cold showers and all.

Camp beagan after the swim team season so all four swimmers were able to compete in the summer leagues. They swim at a neighboring club because our pool is too small to have a team. Several other families from our subdivision and from church swim there too so they know the kids. It's a very laid back team and they even let MaryClare 'practice'. She would go up and down the lane in her floaties kicking and laughing. She loves the water. I have never seen a kid love it so much. This winter and spring she'll have swim lessons and I know by next summer she'll be ready to be a full member of the swim team.

We started back to school in mid-August (Ack!) This year we are members at a hybrid school where the kids go 2 days a week and we homeschool hte other days, following the Mother of Divine Grace curriculum. We are thrilled with this so far. It seems to be a perfect balance for us. Oh and they wear uniforms. Laine is the only one who is happy about this though.

Lee has travelled less this year than ever before in our marriage. It has been wonderful! In the midst of this rocky economy we have been so fortunate that his business is thriving. Still, we have tried to be more mindful and frugal than ever before, although I have always been somewhat of a cheapskate!

As for me? I am happy and content. I can't imagine doing anything other than what I am doing every day, even if I am motivated to continually learn and grow. I taught myself to crochet this past year, did some personal writing and joined a gym. Now I need to finish that crochet project, the story and the CT5K plan! That is the hardest thing for me, finishing stuff!