Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Beach Trip

We had a great end of summer trip to the Isle of Palms. Somehow we missed the hurricane hoopla and had incredible weather. We were joined by my in-laws. My sister in law is also pregnant and her baby is due in November. We compared our baby bumps!

The kids loved riding the waves in on a float and also learning how to body surf. The beach was full of shells and we gathered quite a collection. Joann would feel with her toes for an interesting shaped shell and Ryan would dive down with his goggles to retrieve the treasure. I spent my beach time mostly in one of those low surf chairs right on the edge of the tides. It was so relaxing!

In the evenings after dinner we played the new Wii game that Jake recieved for his birthday. 'Boom Blox' was fun for everyone. It really is one of those games that all ages can enjoy. Nancy and I went to bed pretty early most nights and I was able to get lots of sleep that week.

The kids made up 'surfer' names for us too. Jake=Tidepool, Ryan=Shellscanner, Luke=Whirlpool, Laine=Sugarwave, MC=Sandscooter, Dad=Thundercrest, Jojo=Palmbunny, Mom=Surfsitter!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Great thing about homeschooling #215

We are on vacation. In the middle of September we are at the beach with all of our kids, paying almost half of what it would have cost us to vacation here a mere week ago. Hee hee! The beaches are so quiet. I promise some pics next week.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mary Clare goes to pre-school

Today was Mary Clare's first day of 3 yr. old pre-school. She began at our parish pre-school in January in a 2 day program. After our fall of homeschool, my first with 4 kids, I was desperate! I saw the director of the pre-school at mass around Christmas last year and I jokingly asked her if she had any spots for January. Amazingly she did have a spot for Mary Clare in the 2 year old room!

She loved her class last year and is thrilled to be returning. I am thrilled too. It is our 4th week of homeschool and it has been very challenging to keep Mary Clare occupied while the olders get working.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, I have left this blog space for several months. There were many reasons why. One being that last fall we were in the midst of discerning a very important decision and there was little else that occupied my thoughts. This decision was a highly personal one and I felt I could not write it in such a public space. The decision was made. As is the case with lots of 'major' life decisions it brought a small amount of peace, but also a myriad of many more new decisions to be pondered!

Anyway, I feel compelled for many reasons (not the least being a prodding husband) to start posting again. He reminded me how fun it is to look back in the archives and read how our daily life was one or two years ago. He reminded me that many family members liked to check up on us here and to see pictures of the kids. He reminded me how much I enjoyed writing and clearing my thoughts.

Thanks for all of the gentle prodding, hon. I love you!