Friday, June 23, 2006

From the first week home


How many kids can fit into an old pack and play?

From the very second they met her, the kids have been completely in love with Mary Clare. They spoil and bother her all day long. MC's expression looks like 'get these crazy people offa me!" She loves them right back and good naturedly tolerates lots of poking, prodding and squishing until she decides she has had enough and then yells for me to rescue her.

FWIW, we only used this pack and play for MC for about a week while she adjusted to her new room and crib. We kept it in our room but now it is put away. She uses the jumper thingy when I am in the shower. Or when I just need a break from following her around making sure she doesn't eat carpet fuzz, which she enjoys along with paper, toys, shoes and other various other bits of misc. stuff that my vacuum misses and her eagle eyes spot. This child eats EVERYTHING she gets her tiny fingers on. Yes, doctor, I do believe she has mastered the 'pincer' grip,. you can check that off your little chart. Posted by Picasa


Lisa~~ said...

Oh so cute!

Anothermadhousewife said...

That's a great expression on her face. . . Can't wait to hear about your homeschool adventure. I don't know how we're going to get anything done next year. It's such a mad-house around here.

Anonymous said...

What a stinkin' cute picture! Glad that the siblings are smothering MC in love! Sounds like you are finding your way through the family expansion!

Julie (jem0622/Mommy2Many)