Thanks for the anniversary wishes! It really is a special day around here. We celebrate Valentine's Day as more a family holiday not a romantic one so this is really our day. I am glad the kids know that this day is special to us too. Last night we went out to dinner while my completely awesome in laws kept the kids. We ate at a cute cottagy-ish French place imaginatively named 'Provence'. The food was delish. I had a fried brie salad with warm pears and some yummy vinaigrette, some greens too, then a portabella mushroom stuffed with crab and spinach. Lee's was good too, but not as good as mine which is weird since I am the one who usually is not as pleased with my pick and end up eating off his plate.
Luke and Laine are 4 today and I am wondering how in the world that happened? 4 years ago I was laboring with a failed epi and waiting for them to try it again. Eventually I made it to 10, without the epi ever kicking again. Then they decided that because Laine was breech that they needed to give me a spinal and just do a c-sec. (looking back I am like WTH? why did they wait for me to get to 10cm before that call was made?) So I basically had to clamp my thighs together while I was wheeled from L and D to the OR and try to keep poor Luke from falling out. He was right there and ready and had been for several weeks. Oh and that little Lainey so and so actually turned head down on the way to the OR! I kid you not, the Dr. couldn't believe it when they opened me up and she had finally gotten the memo that south was the way outta there.
So I got that one quick glance and then I was off to la la land and they were off to the transitional nursery. Laine was 4'13 and Luke was 5'11. He ended up staying in the NICU for several days, but tiny Laine was released with me a few days after delivery. They were just so, so small and I know Laine could have just slipped right out from those car seat straps.
Luke is proud to be a big 4 year old and Laine was insisting to me that she is actually 6. Finally after several stories and some documentation I was able to convince her that she is truly 4, just like Luke.
Being a twin mom is just a unique and awesome thing. There is so much more I could say to elaborate on the whole twin experience, but the simplest is, twins are just COOL! period.
Tonight we will go out for pizza, their absolute favorite and they will get their gift, big kid bikes with training wheels. Laine's is a Princess bike
sigh and Luke is a cool electric green and black Mongoose bike.
The actual birthday party will in a couple of weeks at Chuck's, as in Mr. Cheese.
See how much I love these kids? Oh, the sacrifices I make for them.......
Really, it is not too bad because they do have beer on draft at this one. Also Lee takes on the strength whacker thing and proves his manliness while scoring tons of tickets. Woo!