Isn't it funny how when you're a child Christmas takes forever to arrive and then as an adult it seems that just as you've finished putting away all the Christmas decorations it's time to haul them out again?
I just imported all of my old blog posts from my previous blog. Sifting through them I was struck yet again how fleeting time is.
I am always planning and dreaming, reading and talking about what is next. I am truly going to commit myself to being focused in the present. Of course a girl ahem, a mother of seven cannot simply stop looking ahead and become queen of spontaneity, but I will be consciously trying to soak up the joy and love that is happening all around me right now. I think a part of this new commitment also has to be a resolution not to get stuck in the dreaming and planning mode and to actually Do Stuff.
This new blog is evidence of my commitment!
To illustrate the warp speed that time is currently racing by us, I offer these photographs as evidence:
exhibit a: Nina at the beginning of June

exhibit b: Nina at the end of June

Really, the evidence speaks for itself. Now go! Be present!