Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Office

Last week the kids used most of their free time to play office. I think Ryan started the trend. He set up a corner in his room with one of those plastic storage bins on wheels, an old cell phone, an old laptop bag that Lee got from one of his conventions and a chair. Soon, everyone was setting up their offices. They were staged mostly in the corners of the room. I guess they like the cubicle concept. Very cozy. However, Jake decided it wasn't big enough so later, he took over their dresser and bargained for an old keyboard a neighbor was throwing out. He is such the executive. For computers they have taken hardback books and then they lift up the cover, turn it sideways and pretend it's a laptop. The yellow octagon pattern block is the mouse of choice. We also made telephones from string and paper cups, but they did not last very long.

Ryan surprised me when he came into the playroom one afternoon dressed in his church clothes. He looked very handsome, his shirt was tucked in and he had a belt on. He had combed and slicked his hair! He announced he had an important meeting at the office. (!!) For the record, he still claims he wants to be either a priest, or a professional football player when he grows up for real. Jake is looking for a career in stand-up. Laine wants to be a cheerleader, but Luke and Mary Clare are undecided.